Heart palpitations and chest pain when lying down is it dangerous?

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Hello doctor!
Every time I lie down my heart beats very fast and then there is a slight pain in my chest. The doctor asked me what is the cause? Heart palpitations and chest pain when lying down is it dangerous? Ask your doctor for advice. I thank you.
Huynh Duong (2003)
With the problem "Heart palpitations and chest pain when lying down", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
The heart rate in a normal person is from 60-100 times/minute. When your heart rate exceeds 100 times per minute, there may be symptoms of palpitations, heart palpitations. The causes of this condition are quite diverse, from thyroid disease, anemia and more dangerous, cardiovascular disease. I should go to the doctor for more testing and advice.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System, looking forward to meeting you in person for more specific advice. Best regards!
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Answered by Doctor Nguyen Van Duong - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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