Have you chosen the right skin care method, suitable for you?

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Why, despite trying very hard, your skin has not improved, do you know how to take care of your skin properly?

1. How to take care of the skin properly?

The ads for skin care products in magazines, television or the Internet are all very attractive, these products always promise to help your skin naturally healthy, white, smooth, prevent acne, slow down. However, with the abundance and variety of today's cosmetic market, you may have to waste a lot of time and money before figuring out how to properly care for your skin with these types. suitable cosmetics. How to take care of your skin to suit your skin best is always a big concern. There is a way to save you a lot of effort, that is, before choosing cosmetics, learn carefully about your skin. Some skin problems you need to know are:
What is your skin type? Do you have oily skin, dry skin, normal skin, sensitive skin or combination skin? Is your skin vulnerable to sunlight What's your problem? Premature aging, persistent acne, age spots, melasma, rosacea or wrinkles due to premature aging. Do you have some lifestyle problems that affect your skin health such as: Are you addicted to smoking? Is it often exposed to sunlight? Do you have a nutritious diet? Are you sleep deprived or under prolonged stress? By understanding your skin, you will be able to sift through good products that are right for you. In addition, if possible, you should go to the clinic for advice from a dermatologist. With professional knowledge and experience, the doctor will have useful advice to help you choose the right cosmetics for proper and effective skin care.

Bằng cách hiểu về làn da của mình, bạn sẽ có thể tìm được những sản phẩm phù hợp, đem lại hiệu quả tốt
Bằng cách hiểu về làn da của mình, bạn sẽ có thể tìm được những sản phẩm phù hợp, đem lại hiệu quả tốt

2. Some tips to help you take care of your skin properly

2.1. Stop looking for a miracle skin care product The reality is that there is no single cosmetic that can solve all skin problems. Our bodies need to eat a variety of foods in order to have good health, and so does our skin. Everything your skin needs cannot be met with just one cosmetic. To have beautiful healthy skin needs to be cared for properly in many steps with a variety of cosmetics that complement each other.
2.2. Be persistent in skin care Skin care results don't come in a few days, most cosmetics take time to work, so be persistent in creating skin care habits . Some products you need to use twice a day like cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer. Exfoliation is done every few days or once a week. And sunscreen needs to be used whenever you go outside... Equally important is that skin care should be in a logical order. The basic skin care steps are:
During the day: Use cleanser → use toner → use serum → use eye cream → use acne cream (if available) → use moisturizer or day cream → cream Sunscreen. At night: Remove makeup → use cleanser → use toner → use serum → use eye cream → use special cream (freckle, acne,...) → moisturizer or night cream. 2.3. Choose products that are gentle on skin Gentleness is an important part of skin care, especially for sensitive skin. Before cosmetics can make your skin beautiful, it must first not irritate your skin. Products that cause irritation will make your skin more susceptible to damage by the external environment and hinder the skin's regeneration and recovery. Proper skin care is when choosing skin care products, you should avoid products with too strong ingredients that can cause skin irritation, perfumes with too strong odors should also be used sparingly. It is difficult to know if you are allergic to a certain cosmetic or not, so when trying out a new product, buy a small tube, if it suits you, buy a large tube. Apply the product to a small area of ​​skin before using the whole face. If you see any abnormality on the skin such as redness, itching, please stop using immediately.
Note that skin damage caused by cosmetics with irritating ingredients may not appear on the surface of the skin for a short time, but the damage may be happening silently, causing problems. skin is difficult to recover.
2.4. Don't forget to exfoliate and use sunscreen

Đừng quên sử dụng kem chống nắng mỗi ngày để bảo vệ làn da khỏi những tác nhân nguy hiểm
Đừng quên sử dụng kem chống nắng mỗi ngày để bảo vệ làn da khỏi những tác nhân nguy hiểm
Exfoliating is a proper skin care step that many of you overlook. Over time, the accumulation of too many dead cells will make your skin dark, prone to acne and aging. Exfoliating products help clean dirt, remove dead cells on the surface, help the skin to be bright and beautiful, quickly regenerate.
Many studies have proven that sunlight is an important agent that damages the skin, reducing the ability to synthesize collagen and elastin (important proteins that create firmness and elasticity for the skin), prevent interferes with the skin's regeneration process and increases the damage and aging of the skin. UV rays in sunlight can penetrate clouds, so when it's overcast, your skin still suffers. Using sunscreen is a basic skin protection method, a must-have to keep skin healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, combined with other protection measures such as wearing sunglasses, wearing a wide-brimmed hat,... Choose a sunscreen with a dosage form suitable for your skin, For example, if you have oily skin, you should choose gel, water, or spray sunscreen because these products have a light texture, fast absorption, and prevent the risk of acne. Using sunscreen also reduces the risk of skin cancer.

2. Some tips to help you take care of your skin properly

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