Have taken birth control pills but still "get pregnant", why?

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If you are still pregnant while taking oral contraceptives, the most likely cause is that you are not taking the pill, improperly, the drug is not guaranteed, or it is reduced and ineffective due to interactions with other drugs.

1. Birth control pills

Using birth control pills is a method of contraception chosen by many women. Birth control pills work to prevent sperm from contacting the egg, it contains hormones that prevent a woman's ovulation, constrict the cervix, making it impossible for the egg to implant... In addition, the pill The fetus is also used to regulate menstruation.
Birth control pills have many types. Depending on the mechanism of action of oral contraceptives, birth control pills are classified as follows:
Ovarian suppressors: Contraceptives contain sex hormones from outside, which help inhibit the body's muscles. can secrete ovestrin, thereby inhibiting the secretion of FSH and metakentrin, and leading to the suppression of ovulation to help prevent pregnancy. Drugs that change cervical mucus: Contains progestin, which causes the affected cervical glands to become sticky, making it impossible for sperm to pass through and not meet an egg. Drugs that change the morphology of the endometrium: Birth control pills contain progestin and estrogen from outside and do not have the same pattern of progestin and estrogen as the body produces during a normal menstrual period, which causes The endometrial lining is not well developed, making it impossible for an egg to implant in the uterus. Daily birth control pill: This is the most common type of birth control pill, each box contains a 21-day supply, contains an effective contraceptive ingredient, there are also 7 more pills that are birth control pills 28. pellets. But these 7 pills are just supplementary combination tablets that only contain sugar or iron vitamins and do not contain contraceptive ingredients. Emergency Contraceptive Pill: A medication used to prevent unwanted pregnancy when protection is not available in time, usually effective within 72 hours after sex.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!

2. Why do you still get pregnant by taking oral contraceptives every day?

In fact, there are still cases of birth control failure despite taking full oral contraceptives due to some of the following reasons:
2.1. If a woman forgets to take her daily oral contraceptive pill, especially if she forgets more than 2 daily pills without taking the pill properly and using additional methods of contraception, In other non-hormonal protected pregnancy (such as condoms, ...) then the possibility of contraception failure is very high. Some women have vomiting shortly after taking the pill without making up for it or skipping the pill. In the middle of taking the drug, taking it with food can reduce or prevent the absorption of the drug. This prevents the body from absorbing the necessary amount of medication, leading to pregnancy when taking oral contraceptives.

Thuốc tránh thai có nhiều loại
Thuốc tránh thai có nhiều loại

Irregular use of pills Irregular use of pills is the leading reason why women who have taken oral contraceptives daily are still pregnant.
Must take birth control pills every day to be highly effective. Women are at high risk of becoming pregnant if they have sex and do not use birth control while forgetting or taking birth control pills irregularly.
However, fully complying with this requirement can be a bit difficult, especially for women who are busy with work or small children, or forget. Therefore, if women often forget to take pills, women can choose other methods of contraception that do not require daily memorization and attention, such as contraceptive implants, IUDs,...
Drink In order to ensure the effectiveness and minimize the side effects of birth control preparations, the daily dose of hormonal contraceptives has been reduced in each pill. The drug content in each tablet is lower, so it only works for a certain period of time. Therefore, in addition to having to take the pill regularly every day, women should take birth control pills at a fixed time of the day to achieve good results. If you take the medicine at the wrong time, for a long time, the drug is not distributed in the body, but you have sex during this time, the possibility of pregnancy will be very high.
2.2. Unsecured drugs Contraceptives, if left out of date, improperly stored... can also be the cause of failure of contraception.
2.3. Interaction with other drugs Taking medicine while using some other medicines, or some other herbs and supplements can cause interactions that reduce drug absorption, reduce the effect of the drug. .
Therefore, before taking any other medicine, women need to tell their doctor about the birth control pills they are taking to see if they have an adverse interaction with the body.
If there is an adverse interaction that requires the use of other drugs mentioned above, women should not choose birth control methods but should discuss with their doctor to find another suitable method of birth control.

Uống thuốc tránh thai trong lúc đang sử dụng một số loại thuốc điều trị bệnh khác có thể làm giảm hoặc mất tác dụng của thuốc
Uống thuốc tránh thai trong lúc đang sử dụng một số loại thuốc điều trị bệnh khác có thể làm giảm hoặc mất tác dụng của thuốc

3. What to do if pregnant while taking birth control pills

When you find out that you are pregnant, you must immediately stop taking the medicine and do a thorough prenatal check-up so that the obstetrician can monitor and advise further.
In case a woman who takes oral contraceptives daily is still pregnant, there is no indication to terminate the pregnancy. To date, there is no evidence that the fetus is affected by oral contraceptives.
In case a woman has taken emergency contraceptive pills and still becomes pregnant, the safety of the fetus depends on the type of pill taken:
Emergency contraceptive pills containing Levonorgestrel: if contraception fails, the pregnancy will still relatively safe. Mifepriston-containing emergency contraceptives: Potentially affected fetus. At this time, women need to see a specialist for further examination and advice. However, in order to keep the baby and ensure the baby's safety, women need to have regular prenatal check-ups, do all the tests to screen for fetal abnormalities to monitor and handle promptly if there are problems. Care and examination for this pregnancy should be done in a large specialized hospital, with adequate facilities and technology to most closely assess the baby's development during pregnancy.

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