Hand, foot and mouth, dengue fever in the season: Be on the lookout for prevention

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During the summer-autumn period, the rainy and humid weather creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases, especially diseases related to dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the environment and individuals regularly to prevent the disease from spreading into an epidemic.

1. Learn about hand, foot and mouth disease, dengue fever

1.1. Hand, foot and mouth disease Hand, foot and mouth disease is a human syndrome caused by enteric viruses of the Picornaviridae family. The disease is easily spread from person to person through contact with nasopharyngeal secretions, saliva, fluid from blisters or feces of an infected person. Hand, foot and mouth disease can occur at any age, but is most common in children under 5 years of age. Hand, foot and mouth disease is a benign disease, but without proper care and treatment, it can cause dangerous complications such as: meningitis, myocarditis, encephalitis, acute pulmonary edema.... lead to death. Symptoms of the disease include:
Fever: This is often the first symptom of the disease. The virus resides in the buccal mucosa or ileal mucosa and then spreads to regional lymph nodes. Sore throat and burning pain in teeth and mouth; saliva flow a lot. Children anorexia and diarrhea Skin lesions: The main clinical manifestations of hand, foot and mouth disease are oral mucosal ulcers and skin and mucosal lesions in the form of blisters on the body. 1.2. Dengue fever Dengue fever is a disease caused by infection with the Dengue virus, which is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, also known as the midges mosquito. The disease outbreak period is from early July to November every year, due to favorable weather for mosquito breeding. Dengue fever has an average duration of 7-10 days. If the person with dengue is given proper care, the disease will go away on its own without much intervention from the doctor. Some symptoms to detect dengue fever include:
Sudden high fever and difficult to lower (39-40 degrees Celsius), lasting 2-7 days with severe headache and possibly skin rash.

Trẻ mắc sốt xuất huyết thường sốt cao và khó hạ nhiệt độ
Trẻ mắc sốt xuất huyết thường sốt cao và khó hạ nhiệt độ

In severe disease, people with dengue fever may have skin bleeding, nosebleeds, vomiting blood, black stools. Abdominal pain, nausea, cold limbs, struggling, panic The body is tired, lethargic, pain in the liver.

2. Taking care of people with hand, foot and mouth disease and dengue fever

2.1. Caring for people with hand, foot and mouth disease Taking care of people with hand, foot and mouth disease properly will help avoid dangerous complications. If a child has hand, foot and mouth disease with only blisters and mouth ulcers, parents should take care of the child by following these steps:
Medication: Give the child a fever-reducing medication and paracetamol if the child's fever is over 38, -5 degrees C. The remaining drugs need a prescription from a doctor. Eating and drinking: Give your child easy-to-digest foods and drink plenty of cool water. Body hygiene: When children have hand, foot and mouth disease, parents should use an antiseptic solution to apply to open skin wounds to prevent superinfection. Let the child gargle with physiological saline (if the child can do it) and give frequent nose and eye drops to the child. Clothes and items of infected children should be disinfected with an antiseptic solution. Wash and clean your baby gently every day to avoid infection. Do not let your child scratch or poke blisters on the skin; Do not use salt, lemon or skin-healing, anti-inflammatory drugs without a doctor's prescription. At the same time, when taking care of children, you should wear a mask and wash your hands with soap to disinfect, to avoid spreading to other children. Note: When you see a child with symptoms such as prolonged high fever, fussiness, vomiting a lot, lethargy, or being startled, rapid breathing, etc., it is necessary to take the child to the hospital for timely treatment. , avoid dangerous complications.

Người chăm sóc trẻ nên rửa tay sạch bằng xà phòng tránh lây lan sang những trẻ khác
Người chăm sóc trẻ nên rửa tay sạch bằng xà phòng tránh lây lan sang những trẻ khác

2.2. Caring for someone with dengue With mild dengue fever, it can be treated at home with the following methods:
Temperature monitoring: Monitor the patient's temperature by taking a temperature every few hours. Close monitoring is required because the most dangerous time of dengue fever is when the fever is gone. Patients should rest absolutely, should not be active and avoid wearing a lot of clothes. Use of medicine: If the temperature is over 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs according to the dose, every 6 hours if the child still has a high fever. After taking the antipyretic drug 1 hour, it is necessary to measure the temperature again. If the child's temperature is below 38.5 degrees, just wipe the baby cool with a towel dipped in warm water. Nutrition: People with dengue fever need to drink a lot of water to make up for the amount of water lost due to fever. You can drink water mixed with oresol or fresh orange and lemon juice to get more vitamin C. Give your child rich, liquid foods. nutritious, easy to digest such as nutritious porridge, vegetable soup, milk drinks of all kinds... combined with a reasonable rest regimen to help children heal quickly. Foods with a lot of fat should be avoided. Babies who are breastfed should feed them more times and for a longer time. In case the child has no fever, there are symptoms such as: Vomiting, abdominal pain, irritability; fussiness; languid; lethargy; cold, purple, sweaty hands and feet; nosebleeds, bleeding gums, vomiting blood, black stools, immediately take the child to the nearest medical facility for treatment, to avoid dangerous complications.

3. Prevention of hand foot mouth, dengue fever in the season

To control dengue and hand, foot and mouth disease, not to spread into epidemics during the season, everyone needs to:
Cover all water containers such as: drinking water tanks, wells, jars, jars... so that mosquitoes do not enter to lay eggs. Regular implementation of measures to kill larva; overturn tools that do not contain water; Remove, turn over waste materials... When sleeping, it is necessary to wear a mosquito net and wear long clothes to prevent mosquito bites. At the same time, coordinate with the health sector in spraying chemicals to prevent epidemics. Regularly wash children's hands and feet with soap or an antiseptic solution before and after eating and going to the toilet. Wearing a mask, personal hygiene, washing hands with soap before and after caring for people with dengue fever and hands, feet and mouth. Clean toys, clean floors.

Thường xuyên rửa tay chân cho trẻ bằng xà phòng giúp phòng tránh tay chân miệng
Thường xuyên rửa tay chân cho trẻ bằng xà phòng giúp phòng tránh tay chân miệng
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4 levels of hand, foot and mouth disease - grade 1 need to go to the hospital? 3 warning signs of severe stage hand, foot and mouth disease in young children Recommendations for treating dengue at home

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