Frequent choking is a sign of what disease?

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Doctor, let me ask you: I feel like I'm choking on food or when I drink a big gulp of water, I'm choking on air in my neck, feeling very angry. I used to feel the same as now, but lately it seems to be worse, almost 24/7. The doctor asked me: I often choke my throat, what are the signs of disease?
Anonymous client questions
Hello doctor. Lately I've been choking when I swallow and I have reflux, what's wrong, Doctor. The doctor advised me. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello! With the frequent symptoms of choking that you describe, you may be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, the phenomenon of difficulty swallowing, choking, chest tightness when swallowing also occurs in many other diseases. It is best to go to reputable hospitals for examination. After accurately diagnosing the condition and the cause of the disease, the new specialist can provide a suitable and thorough treatment plan for you.
Above is the answer to the question of frequent choking is a sign of your illness. You can visit Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide for advice and guidance from experienced doctors. Looking forward to meeting you.
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