Frequent anxiety, trembling hands and feet, heart palpitations are signs of what disease?

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Doctor, I often worry, every time there is something wrong, my heart beats fast, my blood pressure increases, I sweat, I talk a little, my hands tremble. Sometimes I have angina and anxiety, can't concentrate on work. Especially when someone notices that my hands are shaking, I am insecure in my body. Please consult your doctor.
Nguyen Dinh Tuan (1981)
According to your description, you may have sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity. Sympathetic neuropathy is a benign disease, in itself not dangerous to health. However, if the state of heart palpitations, hands and feet shaking, blushing, nervous tension ... continue many times and for a long time, the patient is very susceptible to hypertension and leads to complications. heavy.
When you have sympathomimetic, the patient will have a rapid heart rate, even coronary artery spasm, causing the patient to have chest pain (symptoms of myocardial ischemia, similar to myocardial infarction), tachycardia makes the patient patients feel nervous, palpitations, sometimes feeling down, in addition may be accompanied by menstrual disorders (if female), hair loss, dry skin, nail damage, decreased sexual interest, loss of sex drive. sleep...
Therefore, you need to see a doctor soon to get treatment. The treatment is often not simple, in addition to taking medicine, the patient also applies a number of other therapeutic methods such as meditation, yoga; practice self-control and calm before all situations; Avoid using stimulant foods and drinks such as tobacco, alcohol, coffee, spices with excessive heat.
You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more thorough examination and advice by specialist doctors.
Thank you for sending questions and concerns to Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Cao Thanh Tam - Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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