Foods that increase progesterone levels naturally

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Progesterone is a female sex hormone that is very important in maintaining the menstrual cycle and especially in preparing a woman for pregnancy. If there is concern about the adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy in cases where progesterone deficiency is diagnosed, natural measures to increase progesterone should be considered.

1. The importance of progesterone

Progesterone is a hormone found in both men and women. It plays a more important role for women, as it is associated with menopause, pregnancy, and overall health. Increasing the amount of progesterone levels will greatly help women who want to become pregnant. Low progesterone levels can cause:
Infertility or miscarriage Uterine bleeding, irregular periods or menorrhagia Decreased sex drive Weight gain Your doctor may prescribe different forms of progesterone. Synthetic forms, also known as progestins, are also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. If you are concerned about the side effects of hormone therapy, you can look to natural ways to increase progesterone, with the benefits, risks, and more outlined below.

Tăng cân có thể do nồng độ progesterone trong cơ thể thấp
Tăng cân có thể do nồng độ progesterone trong cơ thể thấp

2. Where can you buy natural progesterone?

If you are looking for natural progesterone, you can buy products made from soybeans or yams from the variety Diascorea villosa (Wild yam). When extracted from these sources, progesterone is considered biocompatible, or chemically similar to the type of progesterone that the female body makes. The regular yams you see at the market won't offer the same benefits.
2.1 The most common Natural Progesterone topical creams are creams. The body absorbs substances from the cream well, the cream makes the substances more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Some examples of progesterone creams on the market include:
Emerita Pro-gest Cream Progesterone NOW Progesterone Cream Wild Yam Progesterone Cream from Wise Women Essentials The directions for use of each cream can vary, but most Regular use is to apply a dime-sized amount of cream to the inside of the wrist, arm, abdomen or thigh twice daily.

Some manufacturers recommend premenopausal women to use the cream for 14 days before they start their period for best results. Menopausal women are advised to use progesterone cream for 21 days, then stop for 7 days, and then resume use.

Kem bôi progesterone có thể giúp bổ sung hormone cho chị em phụ nữ
Kem bôi progesterone có thể giúp bổ sung hormone cho chị em phụ nữ

2.2 Oral Pills Natural progesterone pills are also available. However, the kidneys break down progesterone very quickly, making it less absorbed into the bloodstream. A woman will have to take more progesterone in than a cream to achieve the same effect. You can also use progesterone suppositories by inserting them into the vagina. The implant is thought to be able to improve the health of the tissue inside the uterus and improve the odds of a successful pregnancy.

2.3 Foods that naturally contain progesterone Some foods can help stimulate the body's production of progesterone. Includes:
Beans Broccoli Brussels Cabbage Cabbage Kale Nuts Pumpkin Spinach Grains

Các loại ngũ cốc giúp cơ thể kích thích việc sản sinh progesterone
Các loại ngũ cốc giúp cơ thể kích thích việc sản sinh progesterone
Certain foods have also been linked to reduced levels of estrogen in the body, which can increase the ratio of progesterone to estrogen. Include:
Bananas Cabbage Shellfish Walnuts Including these foods in your meals can help boost natural progesterone levels.

3. Other ways to boost natural progesterone levels

In addition to looking into using natural progesterone treatments, there are other ways women can increase the amount of natural progesterone in their body, including:
Maintain a healthy body weight. Excess weight causes a woman's body to produce more estrogen. This creates an imbalance in the levels of the hormone progesterone. Maintaining a healthy weight doesn't mean a woman's body will make more progesterone, but rather helps balance hormone levels. Reduce stress . Being under stress triggers the production of stress hormones and can cause the kidneys to convert hormones like progesterone into cortisol. Some examples of ways to reduce stress include meditating, journaling, reading, listening to music, or engaging in other relaxing and enjoyable activities. Avoid excessive exercise. Physical activity goes hand in hand with reducing stress levels and maintaining a healthy weight. However, excessive exercise can have the opposite effect. That can cause the body to produce more of the stress hormone than progesterone.

Tập luyện thể thao ở mức độ phù hợp đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho cơ thể
Tập luyện thể thao ở mức độ phù hợp đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho cơ thể

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural progesterone?

4.1 Benefits Benefits of using progesterone include:
Protects the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) Prevents uterine cancer Maintains levels of HDL cholesterol (also known as good cholesterol) Reduces symptoms Menopausal-related symptoms, such as mood swings Reduce adverse side effects of synthetic hormones 4.2 Side effects With natural progesterone, you may notice some changes and symptoms such as breast tenderness, pain headaches and depression. But these symptoms are more often caused by synthetic progesterone. If you experience these symptoms, they usually go away as you continue to take natural progesterone.
Be sure to do patch test with topical creams before applying it all over your body. To test for ringworm, put a little cream inside your wrist and wait 24 hours to see if you have an allergic reaction such as itching, redness, or swelling.
Using natural progesterone may be a way for some women to increase their progesterone levels without experiencing the unwanted side effects of synthetic hormones. Many women are interested in increasing their progesterone levels to help increase fertility and reduce menopausal symptoms.

Sử dụng progesterone tự nhiên, phụ nữ có thể xuất hiện tình trạng đau đầu
Sử dụng progesterone tự nhiên, phụ nữ có thể xuất hiện tình trạng đau đầu

But there is little data available on natural progesterone. Supplements are not monitored or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for quality or dosage as are other over-the-counter products. For this reason, it is important that you consult a specialist before starting to use natural progesterone supplements.
Your doctor will be able to recommend additional treatments and review your medications to make sure you can safely use natural progesterone.

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