Fetal magnetic resonance imaging

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Written by Master, Doctor Le Xuan Thiep - Diagnostic Imaging Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Fetal magnetic resonance imaging technique using fast and extremely fast pulse sequences to record in the most detailed, clear and complete way the anatomical structures of the fetus. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging is performed in the 2nd (14-27 weeks) and 3rd (28-40 weeks) trimesters of pregnancy.

1. What is a fetal MRI (MRI) scan?

Fetal magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive, non-X-ray diagnostic imaging test that provides detailed and clear information about the anatomical structure of the fetus.
Fetal magnetic resonance imaging technique using fast and extremely fast pulse sequences to record in the most detailed, clear and complete way the anatomical structures of the fetus.

2. Indications for fetal magnetic resonance imaging

Chỉ định chụp cộng hưởng từ thai nhi khi siêu âm thai nhi có điều bất thường
Chỉ định chụp cộng hưởng từ thai nhi khi siêu âm thai nhi có điều bất thường

Indications for fetal magnetic resonance imaging in the following cases:
Abnormalities are not clearly identified on ultrasound (both of the fetus and its appendages including: placenta, amniotic fluid...). Checking in cases with genetic factors, advanced maternal age... Diagnosis of abnormality has been detected on fetal ultrasound. Seek further coordination abnormalities or provide follow-up treatment information. In complex cases. The fetus is at risk of abnormalities even if not detected on ultrasound. VD; after transfusion syndrome ... Evaluation of fetal nervous system, spinal canal and organs abnormalities.

3. When is fetal magnetic resonance imaging performed? Is it safe for the fetus and mother?

Fetal magnetic resonance imaging is performed in the 2nd trimester (14-27 weeks) and 3rd (28-40 weeks) of pregnancy.
Before 14 weeks due to the small size of the fetus and uterus, the assessment of the fetus by magnetic resonance is limited. So it is rarely taken before 14 weeks and usually after 16 weeks.
Safety for the fetus:
According to studies with a large number of pregnant women in the world: No statistically significant abnormalities were recorded for the fetus when taking magnetic resonance imaging. According to statistics of the International Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the FDA, there is no evidence of fetal malformation in cases of fetal magnetic resonance imaging. Some recent studies show that magnetic resonance can affect fetal hearing. However, many studies have shown that the 1.5T magnetic field in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters does not affect fetal hearing. Safe for the mother
All contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging are also contraindications. intended for pregnant women. There are no studies in the world that show the influence of magnetic resonance imaging on the mother's body.

4. Does the Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have to inject magnetic contrast? If I have to inject, will there be any effect?

Hình ảnh thuốc đối quang từ
Hình ảnh thuốc đối quang từ

There is no absolute indication for injection of magnetic contrast agent, but usually there is no indication for injection of magnetic contrast during fetal magnetic resonance imaging, which is usually only considered for special medical conditions of mom.
There are no reports that contrast agents can cause birth defects and Gadolinium itself is not a factor in birth defects. However, the drug can enter the fetal circulation leading to delayed excretion and may be toxic to the fetus.

5. What abnormalities of the nervous system and other organs can be detected by fetal magnetic resonance?

Fetal magnetic resonance can detect all morphological abnormalities that can be detected on ultrasound. In addition, it provides more detailed information for diagnosis and detection of additional abnormalities.
The detection of fetal abnormalities by magnetic resonance has high sensitivity and accuracy. Especially in the diagnosis of malformations of the nervous system and spinal canal.
Congenital anomalies that can be detected by fetal magnetic resonance:
Cranial brain:
Ventricular malformations, abnormalities of the corpus callosum (hypoplasia, dysplasia, aplasia...), brain division anterior, posterior fossa malformations, abnormal development of cerebral cortex, familial diseases: Tuberous sclerosis... Abnormalities of cerebral blood vessels (arteriovenous fistula), cerebrospinal fluid (brain) hydrocephalus ), cerebral infarction , malformation of twin pregnancy... Spine: Neural tube defects, spinal cord, meningeal - spinal hernia, sacral teratoma, vertebral malformation...
Bone , face and neck area: Cleft lip, cleft palate, small chin, facial teratoma, hemangioma, thyroid abnormality, venous malformation...
Thoracic cavity: Cystic malformation of lung gland, isolated lung, diaphragmatic hernia, emphysema, effusion, rib dysplasia, sternum...
Abdomen - pelvis - retroperitoneal space: Tumor lesions, cysts (liver, kidney, intestine), birth canal malformations ileus, intestinal obstruction, colonic aneurysm, peritoneal effusion.
Assessment of risks and malformations of multiple pregnancies: Conjoined placenta, blood transfusion syndrome (twins with 1 placenta)...
Extremities, fingers: Assess malformations of upper and lower extremities (limbs and limbs) clap, extra finger ...).

6. What to keep in mind when taking fetal magnetic resonance imaging?

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Cần lưu ý không nên dùng đồ uống có cafein trước khi chụp 4 giờ.

Do not bring unsafely recommended items into the imaging room. And answer questions about magnetic resonance safety fully and correctly. Drinks with caffeine and sugar should not be consumed 4 hours before the scan. Because it can stimulate fetal movements, causing image interference and difficulty for examination. Urinating clean before magnetic resonance imaging. At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of qualified doctors Regular check-up, early detection of abnormalities Maternity package helps to facilitate the process. Birth program Newborns receive comprehensive care To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE HERE
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