Fetal failure due to knotted umbilical cord - What should the mother do to save the fetus?

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The umbilical cord is the only route that carries nutrients and oxygen to the baby. However, when the umbilical cord is knotted, it will affect the pregnancy both during pregnancy and during labor.
Let's find out the causes, complications and treatment directions with the advice of Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor Pham Minh Kiem - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Times City International Hospital!

1. What is knotted umbilical cord?

During pregnancy, the umbilical cord plays an important role in transporting oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus, ensuring the baby's life while in the womb. However, when the umbilical cord is knotted, it will affect the pregnancy both during pregnancy and during labor.
This is a pathological condition caused by fetal movement in the last trimester of the first trimester. The incidence is about 0.3% to 1% depending on the study. When the umbilical cord is knotted, in most cases it will be loose, and the fetus is usually less affected during pregnancy. But when the umbilical cord is tightened, it will obstruct the fetal circulation, the final result is that the fetus will die in the womb.

Khi dây rốn thắt lỏng, thai nhi thường ít bị ảnh hưởng, nhưng khi dây rốn thắt chặt, sẽ làm cản trở tuần hoàn thai nhi, hậu quả cuối cùng là thai nhi sẽ chết trong bụng mẹ.
Khi dây rốn thắt lỏng, thai nhi thường ít bị ảnh hưởng, nhưng khi dây rốn thắt chặt, sẽ làm cản trở tuần hoàn thai nhi, hậu quả cuối cùng là thai nhi sẽ chết trong bụng mẹ.

2. It is difficult to determine the exact time when the knotted umbilical cord is formed

Umbilical cord knotting is formed during fetal movement, moving through the umbilical cord arcs. There are a number of factors that increase the risk of umbilical cord knotting such as: long umbilical cord, polyhydramnios, small fetal size, baby boy, mother with gestational diabetes, twins with one amniotic sac, having an amniocentesis Amniotic fluid pregnancy, multiple births and mothers using stimulants...
Many experts say that it is difficult to determine the exact time when the umbilical cord is knotted. The knotted umbilical cord can form very early from 9-12 weeks of gestation, because at this stage the amniotic fluid volume is more than the fetal volume.
Knotted umbilical cord is difficult to detect in prenatal ultrasound. Depending on the capabilities, qualifications, clinical experience as well as the quality of the ultrasound system, a knotted umbilical cord can be detected.

Dây rốn thắt nút rất khó để phát hiện trong siêu âm tiền sản
Dây rốn thắt nút rất khó để phát hiện trong siêu âm tiền sản

3. So you need to be careful when the umbilical cord is knotted?

When the ultrasound doctor suspects that the pregnant mother has a knotted umbilical cord, she must be really careful. According to the study, the death rate of the case of a knotted umbilical cord is four times higher than that of a normal pregnancy. In order to prevent dangerous complications of umbilical cord knotting during pregnancy, mothers need to pay more attention to fetal activity, if they see any abnormalities, they need to go to the doctor immediately.
The current umbilical cord knot is still a challenge for prenatal diagnosis, even by leading experts in the world. At Vinmec, there were the first diagnoses of cord knotting in 2015, so far the ability to detect the frequency is increasing, for best detection you should come before the 22nd week.
The whole process of pregnancy monitoring at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec General Hospital is done closely, not omitting fetal problems, solving many difficult cases such as: placenta, umbilical cord knotted. , pregnancy,..Here gathers a team of highly qualified doctors at home and abroad. The system of ultrasound machines, quality medical equipment is equipped with modern, accurate antenatal check-up process, science will handle abnormalities during pregnancy and labor quickly so that the mother can get the safest pregnancy.

A comprehensive examination during pregnancy, heart rate measurement, fetal ultrasound is very necessary, especially at important antenatal check-up milestones
Especially, with the package "Maternity package" at the Hospital Under the supervision of Vinmec, mothers are comprehensively monitored from pregnancy to childbirth and postpartum, making childbirth more comfortable and gentle.
If there is a need for consultation and examination at the Hospitals of the National Health System, please book an appointment on the website to be served.

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