Exact signs of labor

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Tran Thi Phuong Loan - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
At the end of pregnancy, a woman will appear impending signs that signal that the baby is about to be born. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize these signs of birth preparation in time to ensure the safety of both mother and fetus.

1. What is labor?

Labor is a physiological process taking place in the body of a pregnant woman that causes the fetus and its appendages to be removed from the uterus through the vagina.
Full-term labor when a woman shows signs of labor at 38 to 42 weeks (average 40 weeks), at which time the fetus has matured and is capable of independent development in the ectopic environment. Preterm labor is born when the gestational age is from 22 to 37 weeks, at which time the fetus can still live. Preterm labor when gestational age is greater than 42 weeks.

Trắc nghiệm: Khi thai nhi 32 tuần, mẹ cần chú ý gì?

Khi bước vào tuần thứ 32 của thai kỳ, thai nhi sẽ có bước phát triển vượt trội và dẫn đến những thay đổi về mọi mặt trong cơ thể mẹ. Vậy hãy cùng tìm hiểu xem khi thai 32 tuần chúng ta cần lưu ý những gì qua bài trắc nghiệm sau đây nhé.

2. Expression about giving birth

2.1. Pre labor

This is the period before actual labor and is usually within a few weeks. Pregnant women will have the following symptoms:
Increased vaginal discharge: this condition is the loss of the cervical mucus plug, because the mucus plug used to seal the cervix, preventing infection is now shed, creating conditions for the fetus to be born. Abdominal prolapse or lower belly: the reason is that when a woman is in the last month of pregnancy, the fetus will gradually enter the pelvic area to prepare for the actual labor. Frequent urination: This is the result of the lower abdomen, which puts pressure on the cervix and bladder, making a woman feel like she needs to urinate more. Uterine contractions appear sparse and mild, without obvious signs of pain: this phenomenon is also known as Braxton Hicks physiological contractions or false labor, unreal labor. These contractions are often irregular and unpredictable, and the intensity of the pain is not as obvious as a sign of actual labor pain. Pain in the joints in the pelvic area: this is also one of the signs of a woman's impending birth, the joints in the pelvic area expand and become more flexible, helping the real signs of labor to happen. The cervix begins to clear and brown discharge, this sign appears a few days or a few weeks before the actual signs of labor.

Cổ tử cung bắt đầu giãn và mở: dấu hiệu này xuất hiện vài ngày
Cổ tử cung bắt đầu giãn và mở: dấu hiệu này xuất hiện vài ngày
Diarrhea: The cause of this phenomenon is caused by hormones that stimulate the intestines frequently, causing the mother to have diarrhea or vomiting. This is also a favorable sign of impending birth, helping the baby to prepare for birth. Lose weight and stop gaining weight: in the last month of pregnancy, a woman's weight is usually stable and it is possible to lose weight. This is because the amount of amniotic fluid decreases during the last months of pregnancy. Feeling tired and sleepy: because urinating many times, especially at night, it makes pregnant women lose sleep, so they feel sleepy more than usual. Cramps, back pain: This case occurs more often in the signs of labor than in labor, caused by the muscles and joints in the pelvis and uterus at this time being stretched.

2.2. Signs of imminent birth in 24 hours

Signs during this time are signs of true labor. Real labor is when 3 out of 5 of the following 5 signs of labor appear:
True labor pain Labor pain is dull pain in the lower abdomen, back or causing muscle tension in the pelvic area . Real labor pain is usually regular, averaging about 1 minute, occurring regularly whether the mother changes position or rests. Usually, this uterine contraction will increase, rushing up.
Pink vaginal discharge. The cervix is ​​clear and dilated on internal examination. The amniotic sac is established. There is progression of fetal position after each uterine contraction. The cervix of the pregnant woman must be dilated 10cm during vaginal examination to be determined to have signs of true birth.

3. Measures to relieve pain when there are signs of impending birth

Pregnant women can apply the following measures to relax mentally, reduce labor pains and prepare for birth better, including:
Go for a walk, walk or change position reduce labor pains.

Đi dạo, đi bộ hay thay đổi vị trí sẽ hạn chế những cơn đau chuyển dạ
Đi dạo, đi bộ hay thay đổi vị trí sẽ hạn chế những cơn đau chuyển dạ
Relax. Get enough sleep to keep your body fatigue-free and ready for birth. Gently massage the body. You can bathe or soak your body in warm water. Not all pregnant women can easily recognize the exact signs of labor or real signs of labor, so when there are any unusual symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical attention. in order to get the most accurate diagnosis of the signs of labor.
Early admission to the hospital when there are signs of labor is very important, helping to best protect the health of mother and baby. In many cases, pregnant women have broken water and delayed arrival to medical facilities, causing the baby to asphyxiated, difficult to deliver, causing many dangerous complications for both mother and baby.
To protect the health of the mother and baby comprehensively as well as help the mother feel more secure during labor, Vinmec provides a package Maternity service. With this package, the mother will have regular antenatal check-ups and routine tests to monitor her health. The fetus is monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions with an obstetric monitor at 37-40 weeks of gestation to predict the exact time of delivery. During labor, the mother will be given pain-relieving techniques during and after birth such as: epidural anesthesia, pudendal nerve anesthesia (applied to normal delivery), postoperative pain treatment (applied to childbirth). surgery). In particular, Vinmec is deploying cold plasma services to help wounds heal quickly such as: cesarean section, perineal stitches, baby umbilical cord, and lactation to avoid swelling, redness, infection, and dryness. , flat, beautiful straight edge, little pain, no bruising, no convexity.
If you have a need to use maternity services at Vinmec, please register directly at the website to be served.

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