Epidural anesthesia for bilateral oophorectomy

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The article was professionally consulted by an Anesthesiologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
The ovaries in women are known for their primary function of producing eggs and performing an endocrine function to produce female sex hormones. Therefore, the bilateral oophorectomy should be decided carefully in both the selection of the anesthesia method as well as the postoperative complications.

1. What is epidural anesthesia in bilateral oophorectomy?

Every surgery, big or small, requires an appropriate method of anesthesia, similarly, with bilateral oophorectomy, if surgical anesthesia is used and postoperative pain is reduced, an epidural or Spinal anesthesia with epidural analgesia (CSE) is commonly used. Epidural space anesthesia is a regional anesthetic technique that is performed by injecting local anesthetic (with or without the combination of opioid analgesics) into the epidural space in the spine to temporarily inhibit nerve conduction. Following the segmentation of the spinal cord through the nerve roots to help meet the requirements of anesthesia for surgery and reduce postoperative pain.

2. When is bilateral oophorectomy indicated?

Bilateral oophorectomy may be indicated in the following cases:
Ovarian cyst: that the size of the cyst grows too large, causing pressure on surrounding organs, there is a risk of ovarian rupture and excessive ovarian torsion. Ovarian removal in this case will help ensure the safety of the woman's health. Polycystic ovary syndrome: interferes with the growth of normal follicles on the ovary, if medical treatments and aspiration of the cyst are not effective, necrotic cysts are at risk of causing ovarian inflammation. seriously affect health, there will be indications for ovariectomy. Ovarian cancer: Conservative treatment of ovarian cancer can be unilateral or bilateral resection depending on the stage of the disease.

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Bệnh nhân mắc ung thư buồng trứng cần phải cắt hai bên buồng trứng

3. When is epidural anesthesia indicated in bilateral oophorectomy?

Epidural anesthesia will be indicated for bilateral oophorectomy and for postoperative pain relief. Possible contraindications to epidural anesthesia in this surgery include:
The patient disagrees with the anesthetic method; Allergy to anesthetics ; Inflammation of the needle puncture area; Lack of uncompensated circulating volume, shock; Blood clotting disorders; Not enough time to stop anticoagulation; Tight mitral stenosis, tight aortic valve; Severe decompensated heart failure.

4. Possible complications from epidural anesthesia

Anesthesia methods cannot completely avoid complications that can be objective, subjective, drug or technical. The same goes for epidural anesthesia, complications that can occur when anesthetizing the epidural space include:
Perforation of the dura; General spinal anesthesia due to injection of local anesthetic into the subarachnoid space; Low blood pressure, slow pulse; Headache; Nausea, vomiting; urinary retention;

Buồn nôn là một trong những tai biến của gây tê ngoài màng cứng
Buồn nôn là một trong những tai biến của gây tê ngoài màng cứng
Hematoma, infection of the epidural space; Nerve root damage; Horsetail syndrome; Meningoencephalitis; Epidural cavity abscess. Patients will be monitored for vital signs, the degree of sensory and motor blockade as well as the unwanted effects of local anesthetics in order to have prompt management of complications.
With the goal of providing patients with the most advanced medical techniques in the world, limiting complications and possible risks caused by epidural anesthesia to reduce postoperative pain, International General Hospital Vinmec has applied the ESP technique of spinal plane anesthesia. This is an analgesia technique that can completely replace analgesia morphine in open heart surgery and thoracic surgery in both adults and children with many outstanding advantages:
Helps to relieve pain comprehensively, without complications, shorten the time of active resuscitation, eliminate the risk of postoperative pain and chronic pain in 96% of heart surgery patients. No direct effect on spinal cord and anatomical structures of nerves Safer due to ultrasound guidance There were no cases of needing to add morphine analgesia when skin incision, sternum saw. Significantly reduce the dose of painkiller Sufentanil during surgery. Pain level after extubation, exercise, and extubation (VAS <3). There were no complications of hematoma, hypotension or excessive anesthesia, respiratory depression, anesthetic toxicity.

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