Effects of the drug Selena

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Selenace drug belongs to the group of drugs, adjuvant therapies and functional foods, containing selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C. The drug is used to nourish and enhance health.

1. What is the effect of the drug Selenace?

What is Selenace? This is a drug made in the form of soft capsules, with ingredients including selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E, commonly indicated for use in the following cases:
Increase endurance for athletes with intense training, students who are studying for exams or people who work with mental stress and pressure; Restore health, prevent damage to cells during surgery or post-disease inflammation; Detoxify, enhance resistance, endurance in the environment of dust, radiation, pollution, chemical poisoning, infection,...; Prevention and combination treatment of circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, eye disorders (macular inflammation, retinal degeneration, cataracts), arthritis, cancer, diabetes, disorders neurological disorders (memory impairment, Parkinson's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease); Anti-aging, adding vitamins A, C, E and selenium to the body. The drug Selenace is contraindicated for the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients contained in the drug; Do not use vitamin C at a dose higher than 1g/day for people with a history of kidney stones, G6PD deficiency, increased oxalateuria, oxalate metabolism disorders, thalassemia; People with an excess of vitamin A.

Selenace chứa nhiều thành phần có lợi dùng để bồi bổ, tăng cường sức khỏe
Selenace chứa nhiều thành phần có lợi dùng để bồi bổ, tăng cường sức khỏe

2. How to use and dose of Selenace

Usage: Orally, exactly as prescribed by the doctor.
Dosage as prescribed by the doctor. Dosage reference:
Adults: 1 tablet/time/day, use about 4-6 weeks; Children: Consult your doctor before taking this medicine. Overdose: In the event of an emergency or overdose, call an emergency center immediately or take the patient to the nearest medical facility. An overdose of beta-carotene causes the skin to turn yellow; High doses of selenium can cause hair loss, diarrhea, dermatitis, garlic breath, mood swings, fatigue; Too much vitamin E causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, dizziness, digestive disorders; Vitamin C overdose causes kidney stones, nausea, diarrhea, gastritis.
Missed dose: If you miss a dose of Selenace, the patient should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled.

3. Side effects of the drug Selenace

When using Selenace, patients may experience some side effects such as: Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. When you stop taking Selenace, the above symptoms will disappear. If you experience other side effects, the patient should notify the doctor for intervention to adjust the dose, change the drug, ... accordingly.

Thuốc Selenace có thể khiến người bệnh cảm thấy buồn nôn khi sử dụng
Thuốc Selenace có thể khiến người bệnh cảm thấy buồn nôn khi sử dụng

4. Be careful when using Selenace

Before using Selenace, the patient should pay attention:
Immediately notify the doctor if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of the drug; Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding; Use Selenace with caution if you are taking similar drugs; The allowable amount of selenium is 75 - 150pg/day for adults. If the dose is greater than 200pg/day, it may cause drug toxicity; Pregnant women should not take more than 8000IU of vitamin A/day (equivalent to 14.41mg beta-carotene)/day) to avoid the risk of fetal malformations. In addition, pregnant women should avoid taking high doses of vitamin C (3g/day) to avoid the risk of scurvy for babies; Long-term use of high doses of vitamin C can cause drug resistance, when reducing the dose, it can easily lead to vitamin C deficiency; There is a risk of increased urinary oxalate after taking high doses of vitamin C; Increased mortality in cases of using beta-carotene alone or in combination;

5. Selenance drug interactions

Selenace may change the effectiveness of medicines you are taking or increase the effects of side effects. Therefore, you should inform your doctor about the medications you are taking for proper advice.
Some drugs can interact with the drug Selenace include:
Vitamin E: Increases the absorption, use, and storage of vitamin A in the body; Using high doses of vitamins can interfere with the effects and absorption of vitamin K; If used concurrently with iron-containing drugs, the effect of vitamin E will decrease; Cholestyramine and liquid paraffin reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, patients should not drink alcohol while taking Selenace.
Selenace drug provides many essential nutrients for the body. When using this medicine, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions on dosage, use time,...
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