Does type B aortic disease require surgery?

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Doctor, my father has type B aortic disease, does he need surgery? Please consult your doctor.
Bui Van Tam (Hanoi)
Hello. Does your father still have any pain symptoms? Are blood pressure and heart rate well controlled? What is the size and characteristics of the lesions?...
What about the question of whether type B aortic disease requires surgery? The decision of aortic surgery or intervention will depend on many factors, in which the lesion characteristics on computed tomography are extremely important. If you have time and want to be fully consulted about your father's medical condition, please bring your medical records and arrange a time to visit the Vinmec Health System hospitals for further advice.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. Looking forward to meeting you and your father for more specific advice!
Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention Doctor - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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