Does speech delay affect intelligence?

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Children with speech delay is one of the concerns for many parents. Many opinions believe that children with delayed speech affect intelligence. However, so far, there has been no research to prove that children with speech delay are less intelligent. So, what are the effects of children with delayed speech?

1. Does speech delay affect intelligence?

The condition of children with speech delay is very common, on average, one out of every 10 children will have a speech delay. When the family has a child with speech delay, parents will often be very worried and wonder if the child with speech delay is less intelligent. However, many parents should not be too worried because each child's language development ability will be different.
Therefore, learning to speak sooner or later has no effect on a child's intelligence. In addition, parents also need to clearly distinguish in case the child is diagnosed with developmental delay, the child may be accompanied by a delay in talking or walking. If the child is only slow to speak but still crawls and walks, it does not mean that the child is retarded or less intelligent.
Children's speech delay is not a serious problem, so parents should not be too worried. However, if the child shows the following signs, parents need to take the child immediately to a medical facility for examination and treatment:
The child does not have any specific reaction or action when called by name . Babies who are 18 months old only communicate with gestures and do not like to talk. Frequently has difficulty repeating words as parents speak. Children are 2 years old but can not say a sentence or a phrase by themselves, only imitate the actions and words of their parents. Children cannot follow simple instructions from parents or loved ones. The child has an abnormal voice.

2. Reasons why children are slow to speak

2.1 Children with delayed language development

Children with speech delay, also known as language delay, are caused by many different causes. Speech delay can be one of the symptoms of a delay in language on the brain, even though the child's psychology and intelligence are normal or the child has autism or there are many cases where the child's speech delay is due to polio. In addition, mental retardation also leads to speech delay. Even children with poor hearing will lead to speech delays or no language.
Physically, a child's speech delay can be caused by anatomical abnormalities in the palate, tongue, or cleft palate. Shortened tongue brake is also one of the reasons that limit the movement of the tongue, making it difficult for children to speak. Children's hearing problems also have a significant impact on speech delay, so doctors often recommend parents to check their baby's hearing right after birth. Children who are hard of hearing or cannot hear will also have difficulty imitating, learning, and using language.
Psychologically, actions such as exposure to smartphones and watching too much TV are also common causes of speech delay in children. Current televisions or smartphones attract children and are also a very effective means of coaxing children, but have a serious impact on children's language development. Watching a lot of phones and TV makes the child's brain do not need to think, gradually creating a habit of being lazy to talk and afraid to communicate with others.

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2.2 Einstein syndrome

Symptoms of children with speech delay caused by Einstein syndrome, such as good memory, selective preferences and excellent analytical ability. These are the signs that help parents recognize a child who is slow to speak but very intelligent. At this time, the child's brain system is genetically pre-programmed for learning and especially language learning. That language is formed from many different aspects, especially the stimulation from the surrounding environment. Therefore, when parents clearly understand the function and movement of the brain, there will be things to do to help children improve their language delay.

2.3 Autism syndrome

A lot of parents wonder: Does a child with speech delay have autism? In fact, children with delayed speech are not just slow to speak, it is also a manifestation of many other problems and the most common is autism syndrome. Parents should not be subjective but need to care and monitor children. At the same time, it is advisable to have a certain understanding of autism syndrome, when detecting signs, it is necessary to take the child to the hospital for early detection and appropriate and earliest treatment for the child. .
Watch now: How to practice speaking for children who are slow to speak

3. Measures to support children with speech delay

3.1 Do not imitate language

Children who are slow to speak mostly pronounce incorrectly, and some even slurred. The first rule that parents need to apply is not to imitate the way the child speaks, because this will make the child form a habit that is difficult to correct.

3.2 Communicate with children at eye level

During communication, parents call the child's name and ask the child to look with his eyes. This will help attract the child's attention and increase eye contact, as well as create depth in the communication process. In addition, parents who regularly demonstrate this activity will help children remember and inculcate communication activities. From there, it is possible to create positive reactions for children while communicating. When communicating with children, parents speak slowly, clearly, easily to understand, call their names and ask children to look with their eyes. Some of the principles that apply to children who are slow to speak are:
Teach your child to say each sound until he learns it. Start with the vowels, then the consonants. When communicating with children, follow the 2/1/2 rule. It means slow and rhythmic pauses like 2/1/2 for example: Take/give grandma/the/bowl. This activity will help children understand the request and respond better in the process of communicating as well as implementing the request.

3.3 Using toys to teach children who are slow to speak

Use toys as tools to teach children who are slow to talk by buying them toys like animals, or animals in the water. Parents play with children, at the same time point to animals, then read their names, thereby helping children connect with language faster, while being able to remember the animal's shape and name. they. This is the simplest and most effective way to teach children with speech delay at home.

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Sử dụng đồ chơi để làm công cụ dạy cho trẻ chậm biết nói

3.4 Use flashcards to stimulate children who are slow to speak

Mothers can use flashcards including fruits, animals, flowers, ... while pointing and reading aloud to children, then teach children to say single words such as: chicken, fish, trees, fruits, houses,... This learning method will help stimulate and help children more interested because the flash cards have many eye-catching colors.

3.5 Let children process information on their own

When parents make a request to a child, give the child time to process the information. Let's wait for the response for about 5-10 seconds, if the child can't do it, model it for the child. Repeat this many times in different situations and circumstances.

3.6 Should send children to classes, kindergartens

In the classroom, children have to be self-reliant in many things such as eating, drinking by themselves, asking to go to the toilet by themselves, and children are forced to use language to integrate with other students. At that time, speech delay will correct itself.

3.7 Absolutely do not allow children to use electronic devices

Absolutely do not allow children to use electronic devices such as televisions, iPads, phones, ... Because this is the cause of limiting the child's ability to communicate, making them slow to speak.

3.8 Talk to children more

The simplest way to help children improve their speaking is to talk to them more or read stories to them. Parents should try to spend time playing with children's toys, taking advantage of children to learn new things around. Because doing so will help children learn communication skills and limit speech delays in children.
In short, speech delay is a fairly common condition that worries many parents. However, knowing how to speak sooner or later does not affect a child's intelligence but can also be a sign of some pathologies such as autism, Einstein syndrome,... speak, take the child to a health facility for examination and advice on appropriate interventions.
If the child is slow to speak and does not improve by taking the above measures, parents should take the child to a general doctor. Hearing testing is also sometimes possible because undetected hearing problems can lead to difficulty learning to speak. Pediatrics Department at Vinmec is one of the few multi-specialty hospitals with a full range of doctors specializing in neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, nutrition, psychology, endocrinology, and hepatobiliary care, helping to quickly and promptly handle the disease. detect diseases during the examination. As a key area of ​​Vinmec Health System, Pediatrics Department always brings satisfaction to customers and is highly appreciated by industry experts with:
Gathering a team of leading pediatricians: including leading experts with high professional qualifications (professors, associate professors, doctorates, masters), experienced, worked at major hospitals such as Bach Mai, 108.. Doctors All are well-trained, professional, with a mind - range, understanding young psychology. Besides domestic pediatricians, the Department of Pediatrics also has the participation of foreign experts (Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA) who are always pioneers in applying the latest and most effective treatment regimens. . Comprehensive services: In the field of Pediatrics, Vinmec provides a series of continuous medical examination and treatment services from Newborn to Pediatric and Vaccine, ... according to international standards to help parents take care of their baby's health from birth to children. from birth to adulthood Specialized techniques: Vinmec has successfully deployed many specialized techniques to make the treatment of difficult diseases in pediatrics more effective: neurosurgery - craniofacial surgery, stem cell transplantation. blood in cancer treatment. Professional care: In addition to understanding children's psychology, Vinmec also pays special attention to the children's play space, helping them to play comfortably and get used to the hospital environment, cooperate in treatment, improve the efficiency of medical treatment.

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