Does sleeping position affect nasal congestion?

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The article was professionally consulted by a General Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Nasal congestion is a condition in which the mucosa of one side of the nose is full while the mucosa on the opposite side is empty. Nasal congestion at night, nasal congestion while sleeping is common in many people with flu, causing discomfort and affecting the quality of sleep of patients.

1. Overview of stuffy nose

A stuffy nose (also known as a "nasal cycle") occurs when the blood vessels and tissues inside the nose swell. The nervous system will control the nose cyclically to affect each side of the nose. The nasal cycle occurs several times a day and often we only realize its activity when we are sick. When in a normal state of health, you will not feel the disproportionate breathing between the two nostrils. However, when suffering from illnesses such as colds and flu, the nasal cycle will make you stuffy. Even stuffy nose on both sides if you have severe. Mucus often makes one nostril more blocked and makes us more aware of the workings of the nasal cycle.

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Nghẹt mũi gây khó chịu cho người bệnh

2. Nocturnal stuffy nose

At a certain point, the amount of air inhaled and exhaled in one nostril will be much more than the other nostril. The amount of blood that concentrates on one side of the nose will cause a blockage in the nose for about 3-6 hours, then it will flow to the other nostril. When the patient has a stuffy nose when lying down to sleep for a long time, it is easy to lead to accompanying symptoms such as sinus pain, headache, discomfort, cough, earache, insomnia, trouble sleeping....
Often stuffy One side of the nose is more common than the other because we always tend to breathe harder on one side than the other, the two nostrils take turns to breathe harder, not balanced. Blood will be more blocked when you sleep with your head on the side of the blocked nose.
Whether it is a blocked nose on one side or both sides, a stuffy nose while sleeping is also very uncomfortable and affects your health and quality of sleep.

3. Causes of stuffy nose at night

Due to the influence of gravity: According to the mechanism, the nasal mucosa will produce mucus and flow down the throat and be swallowed with saliva. However, when lying down, it is harder for mucus to go down the back of the throat. On the other hand, we also tend to swallow less during sleep, so mucus can easily accumulate in the throat and back of the nose leading to congestion. In addition, gravity also reduces the amount of blood flowing into the nose when we lie down, contributing to nasal congestion when sleeping. Due to cold season diseases: Illnesses such as colds, flu, pneumonia, acute bronchitis are all causes of nasal congestion. When we lie down, the mucus in the nose will tend to increase more than when you stand, move. Affected by dry air: Soreness in the nose can be aggravated by dry air. When the air lacks moisture, the nasal mucosa must increase mucus secretion to keep the nose moist, and too much mucus can lead to nasal congestion when sleeping. Deviated nasal septum: According to the natural structure, the nasal septum will be located in the middle of the nose. However, for many reasons, the nasal septum will not be in the middle of the nose, called a deviated nasal septum. In this case, the nose will not function as it should, but mucus will tend to accumulate on the narrower side of the nose, leading to nasal congestion, especially when we are sleeping. Allergies: Allergies are also a cause of nasal congestion while sleeping. Allergy triggers are usually pollen, smog, pet dander, etc. Antihistamines can help reduce allergy signs and symptoms. However, the best way is still to have a physical examination and determine the exact cause of the allergy to avoid it as much as possible. In addition, regularly changing pillows and bed sheets also helps people with nasal congestion due to allergies easier to sleep at night.

Vách ngăn mũi bị lệch
Vách ngăn mũi bị lệch

4. Handling measures

When you have a stuffy nose, you often feel uncomfortable, especially at night. To overcome this discomfort and insomnia, you can refer to some simple ways to reduce nasal congestion while sleeping as follows:
Pay attention to the lying position: Lying on your back is the best choice because it will helps mucus flow down the throat instead of stagnation in the sinuses. On the contrary, lying on the side can cause one or both nostrils to be completely blocked, making it difficult to breathe. When lying down, the pillow should be raised higher than usual so that the head and neck form a 15-degree angle with the bed, making it more comfortable to sleep. If the air is too dry, you can use a humidifier in the bedroom. When the humidity in the air increases, the mucus accumulated in the nose thins and flows out, helping the nose to open more. Taking a hot bath before going to bed also helps relieve nasal congestion thanks to the moisture released from the water. To increase the effectiveness, while bathing, the patient can use a towel soaked in warm water and apply it to the forehead and nasal sinuses to allow moisture to penetrate inside. Keep the nose and throat warm, limit the use of air conditioners, air conditioners or let fans blow directly on the head and neck when sleeping.

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Nên kê gối cao hơn bình thường khi ngủ
In addition, you can also prevent or reduce nasal congestion by paying attention to the following living habits:
Should regularly wash bed sheets, curtains, pillows, blankets to reduce dust and bacteria, here All are causes of stuffy nose. Avoid irritants such as smoke, perfume, alcohol, and strong odors because they make you more uncomfortable. When going out, you should wear a mask and it is cold to keep your body warm. Drink lots of water, use liquid drinks (soup, juice, tea, etc.) to reduce the amount of mucus in the nose. Avoid foods high in sugar and flour as they will aggravate a stuffy nose, and eat more vegetables, fish and whole grains instead. If you apply the above methods but the condition still does not improve, you should visit an ENT specialist for a diagnosis and the most accurate treatment plan. Nasal congestion is very normal and nothing to worry about. However, if the stuffy nose while sleeping affects your health and sleep quality, you need to quickly overcome this situation. The above remedies for nasal congestion while sleeping are worth trying because they are completely natural and can be easily applied at home.

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Người bệnh nên gặp bác sĩ để được điều trị sớm
Vinmec International General Hospital examines and treats common nasopharyngeal diseases, head and neck tumors, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area with the most optimal internal and surgical methods for the disease. individuals, both children and adults. Coming to Vinmec International General Hospital, patients will receive a direct, dedicated and professional examination from a team of qualified and experienced medical staff.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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