Does an 8-year-old child with hypertrophy of the temporomandibular muscles have any effect?

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Hello doctor, my son will be 8 years old in 2 months, weighing 26 kg. Currently, the right temple is protruding and the left jawbone is slightly larger (disproportionately) with the right jaw bone, but there is no pain and no abnormality. I was worried and took my child to the doctor, the ultrasound doctor diagnosed that the temporomandibular muscle (P) was hypertrophy, the jaw bone on both sides was asymmetrically developed. Taking him to the doctor again, the doctor ordered an ultrasound and X-ray, did not detect any disease and asked my child to be admitted to the hospital for a contrast CT scan. The baby is still showing no abnormalities. May I ask if an 8-year-old child with hypertrophy of the temporomandibular muscles has any effect? Do I need a contrast CT scan? If yes, will it affect the baby? How much does this CT scan cost? Sincerely thank!
H (1984)
Answered by Doctor of Dentistry - Jaw - Facial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
With the question "Does 8-year-old children with temporomandibular muscle hypertrophy have any effect? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Your child's condition should go to a general pediatrician, and whether or not a CT scan will be performed, the doctor will consider the indications, in some cases, the doctor will still need to take a scan. The doctor will explain the family.
If you still have questions about an 8-year-old child with TMJ, you can send your child to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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