Do internal hemorrhoids grade 1-2 and prolapsed external hemorrhoids need surgery?

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Hello doctor,
I have mixed hemorrhoids with excess skin outside. At surgery, the doctor diagnosed internal hemorrhoids grade 3 and external hemorrhoids. I have had hemorrhoid surgery for nearly 4 months now, the indicated method is surgical removal of each hemorrhoid according to the usual method. Currently, I have had a follow-up examination and endoscopy, the doctor diagnosed 3 internal hemorrhoids grade 1-2 and 1 external hemorrhoid prolapsed. Doctor let me ask if the internal hemorrhoids grade 1-2 and the external hemorrhoids prolapse, do they need surgery? Hoping to get a response from the doctor soon. Thank you doctor.
Tran Thi Kim Thoa (1995)
Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Duc Dung - Gastroenterologist - Hepatobiliary tract - Department of Gastroenterology - Hepatobiliary - Urology - General Hospital Vinmec Times City International.
With the question "Does internal hemorrhoids grade 1-2 and external hemorrhoids prolapse need surgery?" , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
You have surgically cut internal hemorrhoids from grade 3 to grade 1-2. Your case will currently be treated medically without surgery, using oral and anal drugs if needed. You should see a doctor to get a specific assessment of your hemorrhoid condition and prescribe medication.
If you still have questions about hemorrhoids, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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