Differential diagnosis of small bowel obstruction and large bowel obstruction

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Nguyen Hong Tram - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital

Small bowel obstruction and large bowel obstruction are very dangerous because when the obstruction of the small intestine or large intestine turns to a severe stage, the patient will show symptoms of infection, toxicity, if left for a long time, the intestine may become necrotic, causing peritonitis and lead to patient death.

1. How dangerous are small bowel obstruction and large bowel obstruction?

Intestinal obstruction is a syndrome, not a disease, this is a blockage of the circulation of solids, gases, and fluids in the lumen of the small intestine, large intestine due to obstruction from the duodenojejunal angle to the anus or due to lack of mobility. There are many causes of small bowel obstruction or large bowel obstruction. The clinical symptoms, consequences, and emergency symptoms of bowel obstruction vary widely from patient to patient, depending on the mechanism and location of the obstruction.

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Có nhiều nguyên nhân khiến các chất ngưng trệ lưu thông trong lòng ruột
Small bowel obstruction and large intestine obstruction are very dangerous because when the small intestine or large intestine becomes severe, the patient will show symptoms of infection, toxicity, if left for a long time, the intestine may become necrotic, causing inflammation. peritoneal cavity and lead to death of the patient.

2. Differential diagnosis of small bowel obstruction and large bowel obstruction

Differential diagnosis of small bowel obstruction and large bowel obstruction based on clinical and geometrical symptoms as follows:
Renal colic: When small and large bowel obstruction, the pain radiates to both sides of the waist. and spread downward, take emergency UIV. Occurrence of liver pain. Abdominal distention: In thin patients, the thin abdominal wall may show loops of bowel protruding above the abdominal wall. Shining light on the abdominal surface shows prominent and slow-moving peristaltic waves.

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Tắc ruột non và tắc ruột già làm cho bụng bị căng trướng

Vomiting: There are some patients with intestinal obstruction who vomit and are accompanied by abdominal pain. Vomiting can be food, digestive juices, or bile. Constipation, defecation: Is a dangerous sign, warning of bowel stagnation, this symptom occurs later. Acute pancreatitis: Persistent, severe pain may present with shock and signs of intestinal obstruction. The strangulated hernia is due to lack of thorough examination, so the superficial inguinal cavity must be examined in case of acute abdominal pain. Surgical cases may be accompanied by fever such as: Acute appendicitis, biliary tract infection, generalized peritonitis, sigmoid diverticulitis... may be a manifestation of intestinal obstruction. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely rest in peace. examination and treatment center at the Hospital.

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