Develop your baby's senses: Smell

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The sense of smell plays an important role in stimulating a child's ability to eat. In addition, it also works to connect children's emotions with family members. So how does the sense of smell in children develop?

1. When do children develop their sense of smell?

A baby's nose begins to form early in the first trimester of pregnancy. Two small nostrils appeared just a few weeks later. After 10 weeks, receptors are formed that perform the function of sensing odors.
A newborn's sense of smell begins to be used while in the womb, especially through the smell of amniotic fluid. This scent is similar to the smell of milk and some foods that babies can perceive after birth.
After birth, a newborn's sense of smell continues to develop. Babies feel comfortable when they smell milk and their mother's unique body odor.
Scent has a strong association with events that happened in the past. This means that children can recall some previous events when smelling familiar scents at that time.

Trẻ từ trong bụng mẹ đã phát triển khứu giác
Trẻ từ trong bụng mẹ đã phát triển khứu giác

2. How does a baby's sense of smell develop?

2.1. Neonatal period

At birth, the baby will get used to the unique scent from the mother's body. Babies can even smell the difference between breast milk and other mothers. The scent helps the baby feel secure when the mother is always around.
In the early days, mothers should avoid using products that cause odors to facilitate the baby to perceive and distinguish smells better. When you cuddle your baby, your body releases more oxytocin. This hormone has the effect of bonding mother and child.

Trẻ sơ sinh có thể nhận biết được mùi từ cơ thể mẹ
Trẻ sơ sinh có thể nhận biết được mùi từ cơ thể mẹ

2.2. 1 month old stage

Baby is used to different scents, but still feels uncomfortable with strong scents. These scents can interfere with your baby's taste buds. Mothers may feel that their babies eat less when the mother's body has a strong perfume smell.

2.3. 3 months old stage

Children are more aware of the people around them. At this time, the baby's sense of smell is used to distinguish between familiar people and strangers. When meeting people with strange scents, children's feelings of fear are expressed by crying or kicking their feet.

Khứu giác của trẻ 3 tháng tuổi giúp trẻ phân biệt được người lạ và người quen
Khứu giác của trẻ 3 tháng tuổi giúp trẻ phân biệt được người lạ và người quen

2.4. 6 months old stage

When starting solids, babies use their sense of smell and taste to decide what kind of food they like. If they like the smell of food, they may respond by smiling, pointing or making noises.
A child's food preferences may have many similarities with the mother's. This may be because the baby is used to the smell of some of the foods that the mother loved during pregnancy.

2.5. 12 months old stage

By this stage, the child already has a list of favorite foods. The sense of smell reminds children to limit trying strange foods. If they don't like a food, they'll let you know. A baby's sense of smell will continue to develop until the child is 8 years old.

Khứu giác của trẻ 12 tháng tuổi có khả năng dè chừng với những món ăn lạ
Khứu giác của trẻ 12 tháng tuổi có khả năng dè chừng với những món ăn lạ

3. Can crying babies be reduced by scent?

Scents that can make babies feel good include:
Parents smell Toys or blankets Smells of essential oils (lavender essential oil) Babies can also sense location through scent. Therefore, the family should take the child to a place he loves with a familiar scent to help him calm down.
One study found that infants with colic responded well to a massage with lavender essential oil. In addition, the scent of lavender and almond oil has been shown to reduce stress in premature babies.
It should be noted not to apply essential oils directly to the baby's skin. The essential oil diffuser can be used and kept in a safe place out of the reach of children. Some babies and young children are extremely sensitive to aromatic oils. Families can experiment with different essential oils before choosing by assessing the child's response.
In addition, in order to prevent diseases that babies often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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