Dehydration: Diagnosis and treatment

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Recognizing early signs to diagnose dehydration is an important key to making timely treatment plans, avoiding harmful effects to health. Because losing for a long time can seriously affect health, even death.

1. Diagnosing dehydration

Dehydration is a relatively dangerous condition for the body, so it is very important to diagnose to give treatment in case of dehydration. Based on some symptoms appearing on the body or test results can diagnose whether you are in a state of dehydration or not?

1.1. Diagnosing dehydration by symptoms

At a mild degree of dehydration, the body may appear the following symptoms:
Thirst Dry or sticky lips Less urine, dark yellow urine Dry, cold skin Headache Sometimes cramps may appear Symptoms of severe dehydration include:
Not urinating or urinating very little, dark yellow urine Dry, cold skin Dizziness, fast heartbeat Rapid breathing Sunken eyes, drowsiness, fatigue, easy Irritated Blood pressure drops , which can lead to fainting . For dehydration in children, the symptoms of dehydration can be different from those of adults:
Dry lips and tongue Baby crying without tears Baby diapers don't get wet for about 2 to 3 hours Sunken eyes and cheeks Marked signs of fatigue, drowsiness In case of severe dehydration, the child may fall asleep, have poor water-drinking reflex or not be able to drink, when pinching the skin, the pinch disappears very slowly...

Da khô là một trong những biểu hiện của mất nước
Da khô là một trong những biểu hiện của mất nước

1.2. Diagnosing dehydration with tests

Before conducting the test, the doctor will check the physical symptoms to rule out other diseases. Your heart rate and blood pressure will then be measured because a rapid heart rate combined with a drop in blood pressure can also be a sign of dehydration.
Several tests can help identify dehydration:
Blood tests : Blood tests help check the levels of electrolytes especially potassium and sodium in the blood. A drop in electrolyte levels is a sign of dehydration. In addition, blood tests can also determine the amount of creatinine in the blood, thereby assessing the level of kidney function. One of the causes of kidney failure is dehydration. Urine test: A urine test to check the level of electrolytes in the urine to help doctors diagnose if you are dehydrated. or not? And to what extent is dehydration? Besides, the color of urine can also indicate dehydration status of the body. Dark urine is the basis for the diagnosis of dehydration.

Xét nghiệm nước tiểu giúp chẩn đoán tình trạng mất nước
Xét nghiệm nước tiểu giúp chẩn đoán tình trạng mất nước

2. Treatment of dehydration

The most effective treatment for dehydration is timely rehydration and electrolyte replacement. However, it is important to pay attention to the age, cause and degree of dehydration to rehydrate appropriately.

2.1. Rehydration for infants and young children

In the case of infants or young children who are dehydrated due to diarrhea, vomiting or fever, oresol solution (if available) or salted porridge can be used. Those are very good rehydration and electrolyte solutions.
On each package of oresol, there are specific instructions on how to prepare. Mix oresol with cooled boiled water and give it to children to drink according to the following formula:
Children under 2 years old: Take 50-100 ml of oresol after each bowel movement Children 2-10 years old: Drink 100-200 ml of oresol after each bowel movement Outside Children over 10 years old: Drink until thirst is gone after each bowel movement. In the absence of oresol solution, salted porridge can be cooked for children to drink. Mix a handful of rice, a pinch of salt with about 1.2 liters of clean water, boil, filter for about 1 liter of water for children to drink gradually. The rehydration of the child needs to be done until the child has a thick stool to stop.

2.2. Adult rehydration in case of mild dehydration

In case of working or playing sports in hot weather, you can rehydrate with cool water or electrolyte-containing drinks. For mild cases of dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting or fever, simply drink plenty of fluids to replace the lost fluid. Note absolutely do not use fruit juices or soft drinks because they can make the condition worse.

Uống nước là một cách bù nước trong trường hợp mất nước nhẹ
Uống nước là một cách bù nước trong trường hợp mất nước nhẹ

2.3. Rehydration in case of severe dehydration

In case of severe dehydration, even for children or adults, it is an emergency and should be taken immediately to a nearby medical facility for timely treatment.
Conventional rehydration with electrolytes will not be as effective as direct intravenous infusion. Intravenous water, salts and electrolytes are absorbed faster thereby speeding up the body's recovery.
Dehydration is a dangerous condition for health. Mild cases of dehydration can be compensated for with water or electrolyte-containing beverages, but if the symptoms of dehydration are more severe, you need to seek medical attention for treatment solutions. suitable treatment.
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