Day surgery – what is suitable for treatment?

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While the COVID-19 epidemic is complicated, it is necessary to minimize contact and infection, many concerned people are very interested in the new surgical service that allows patients to return home the same day at Vinmec Central Hospital. Park (HCMC). To provide complete information about this surgical method to help patients choose the right treatment, we had an interview with Doctor Phan Thanh Nguyen - Department of Surgery, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Dear doctor, what kind of diseases can same day surgery be used for?
At Vinmec Central Park Hospital, patients can consider the option of same-day surgery when treating inguinal hernia or gallbladder disease. In order for the surgery to be safe and effective, there must be a number of conditions about health and personal life.
Same-day surgery is suitable for people aged 18 - 60 years old, without other serious comorbidities (severe hypertension, uncontrolled diabetes, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency, history of progression. disadvantage of anesthesia The nature of the operation is not too complicated with less than 90 minutes to perform
In addition, the patient is not too far from the hospital (maximum 40-50km) to be able to return in as soon as possible when medical attention is needed.
Normally, after laparoscopic surgery, you will be discharged from the hospital after at least 3 days. So, how can patients who have just undergone surgery with anesthesia or anesthesia, with skin incisions can go home safely after only a few hours?
To ensure the safety and success of the surgery, the patient will first be carefully guided by the surgical team and anesthesiologist on how to prepare before, during and after the surgery. In particular, doctors will apply the program of Early Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) from before, during and after surgery to improve physical condition, which are very important factors to help increase the quality of treatment, reduce the patient's risk of complications.
The team of doctors performing the surgery are experienced surgeons and anesthesiologists, the treatment protocol complies with international standard professional procedures, in addition, the hospital environment in Vinmec reaches a high level of sterility. that surgery can achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Everything from preparation to treatment is optimized for efficiency and time, so patients can leave the hospital early, continue to rest and recover at home. After that, the doctor will re-examine according to the appointment schedule one day after surgery. When there are any adverse signs, patients and relatives should be able to directly contact the treating doctor for appropriate treatment instructions to ensure safety. That is why, we recommend that people who are not too far from the hospital should choose this service.
Dear doctor, Vinmec Central Park is the first hospital in Vietnam to offer this very new service and you are the initiator. Doctor can reveal on what basis did you make this suggestion?
Through the process of working abroad, I have seen that day surgery is developing more and more in the UK and USA. Short inpatient treatment time, convenience and comfort of recovering at home, lower infection rates especially hospital-acquired infections – these are the benefits of same-day surgery that make this type of surgery easier. This now accounts for two-thirds of the surgeries here. The success of surgery largely comes down to the rational choice and cooperation of the patient.

Kíp bác sĩ Vinmec Central Park phẫu thuật thực hiện ca mổ nội soi về trong ngày
Kíp bác sĩ Vinmec Central Park phẫu thuật thực hiện ca mổ nội soi về trong ngày

In Europe and America, most hospitals have standards for compliance, which often include absolute and relative contraindications based on the associated disease, social factors. There are many types of surgery that can be done on the same day such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, inguinal or abdominal wall restoration for hernia, thyroidectomy, laparoscopic appendectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy, knee arthroscopy; surgery to treat lower jaw fracture... Nowadays, even laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery for obesity is also performed in this form in the US.
Realizing this trend, and the benefits for patients, Vinmec Central Park has prepared elements that can be applied soon, especially a team of surgeons and anesthesiologists with good skills and established procedures. care - treatment process for patients to ensure safety and optimize efficiency as well as treatment costs for patients.

Now is the right time to start with 2 types of surgery that are not too complicated such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy and inguinal hernia. Coincidentally, it is true that at the present time, the Covid-19 epidemic is complicated, while when there are indications for treatment, patients want to do it soon to avoid complications. Therefore, many patients are interested and want to choose this method.
The last question, is the cost of same-day surgery higher than previous laparoscopic surgery?
Definitely not higher. Because first, the patient does not have to stay in the hospital overnight, so there is no inpatient cost. Moreover, this is the price of the package program, customers do not have to pay any more after signing the contract. Therefore, patients can rest assured to choose if the history and circumstances are appropriate.
Thank you doctor!
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