Cytological examination by liqui prep . method

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Cervical cancer accounts for a high proportion of women in most countries. Currently, there are many tests for cervical cancer, to detect cervical cancer early, including the Liqui-Prep Pap test, which is currently the most interested.

1. Learn about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer: is a malignant disease of the squamous or glandular epithelium of the cervix, when the cells grow abnormally, multiply uncontrollably, invade the surrounding area as well as metastasize to other parts of the body. Predisposing age: Cervical cancer is most common in reproductive age (20-45 years old), people under 20 years old rarely get the disease. In which cases over 65 years old, the disease is often detected due to poor screening at an early age, so prevention and screening for cervical cancer is extremely necessary to help patients detect early and treat it promptly. The disease progresses silently for many years from infection with HPV to the appearance of cancerous lesions that can last up to 15 years without symptoms. Causes of cervical cancer include: Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common cause. Sexually transmitted infections There are also other causes such as: smoking, immunosuppression There are many tests to diagnose cervical cancer in which the Liqui-Prep Pap cytology test is the test. has high value in cervical cancer screening because this test is simple, easy to perform, and low cost.

Nguyên nhân gây ung thư cổ tử cung thường do virus HPV gây ra
Nguyên nhân gây ung thư cổ tử cung thường do virus HPV gây ra

2. Indication of tests

Screening for women of sexually active age, especially women who have a family member with cervical cancer. When symptoms such as: Abnormal bleeding from the vagina, such as bleeding between menstrual periods, longer than normal periods, bleeding after or during sex, bleeding after during menopause, bleeding after going to the bathroom or having a gynecological exam; Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis; Abnormal vaginal discharge, such as little blood from vaginal discharge.

3. Advantages of cytology by liqui prep . method

The liqui prep method is a highly valuable test that detects women with early cervical cancer up to 70%. This is a great improvement step to help increase the sensitivity and specificity in detecting precancerous cells, especially adenocarcinoma.

Hình ảnh ung thư tế bào biểu mô tuyến
Hình ảnh ung thư tế bào biểu mô tuyến

The method of sampling the fluid-immersed cervical smear (Liqui-Prep) is easier to detect than the routine smear advantages over routine smears, easier to detect This test does not affect the environment, simple device, can store samples for re-testing when needed, can use samples for analysis of receptors, genes, pathogens, cell immunochemistry... in just 1 specimen collection times. The cells are not superimposed, so it is easy to observe, thus increasing the sensitivity, accuracy, reducing the false negative rate.

4. Notes when performing the Liqui-Prep Pap Test

Before taking the Liqui-Prep Pap Test at least 2 days should avoid: Intercourse, vaginal irrigation, vaginal suppositories, spermicide Do not perform the test while in the menstrual cycle. The best time to do Liqui-Prep Pap Test is around days 8-15 of the menstrual cycle. Do not perform testing on single women unless testing is required to diagnose the disease.

Hình ảnh mô tả cách lấy mẫu bệnh phẩm làm xét nghiệm Liqui-Prep Pap Test
Hình ảnh mô tả cách lấy mẫu bệnh phẩm làm xét nghiệm Liqui-Prep Pap Test

With a system of modern equipment and a team of highly specialized and experienced doctors, when implementing the screening package and early detection of gynecological cancer at Vinmec International General Hospital, customers will Get screened for cervical cancer by following steps:
Consultation with a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Screening for cervical cancer through automated system HPV genotype PCR test and transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus . Colposcopy: Detecting abnormal early lesions on the cervix Other tests: abdominal ultrasound, blood test... For advice and appointment booking, you can contact the Medical System Vinmec hospitals and clinics nationwide HERE.
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