Colon X-ray in the diagnosis of cancer

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Article by Doctor CKI Nguyen Tien Phu - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Colon cancer is one of the most common types of gastrointestinal cancer. To diagnose this pathology can apply different methods, X-ray colon with contrast is the classic method that has been applied for a long time and is effective.

1. What is a colon X-ray?

Contrast-enhanced colon X-ray is a technique to contrast the colonic framework with Barite suspension. The image of the colon frame helps to detect abnormalities in the colon, including cancer.

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2. Procedure for performing colon X-ray

Before the contrast colonoscopy, the colon should be cleaned to ensure a clear image to help evaluate the lesions in the colon. In addition, for the most accurate results, patients should apply a special diet 48 hours before that is a low-fiber diet. The patient will also be given a laxative and an enema before the scan.
After filling the colon with Baryte solution, the colon is taken in different positions to record images of colon segments such as sigmoid, rectum, splenic angle, hepatic angle, cecum, ascending colon . The colon in the empty state after defecation will also be taken for evaluation.
It is very safe to perform this technique, it may cause discomfort when the colon is filled but resolves quickly when the colon is empty.
Evaluation of the results The film records the entire colon as well as the details of each anatomical segment analyzed by a specialist to help detect diseases of the colon:
Cancerous pathologies: Presented on imaging are malformations, strictures, or amputations of the colon. Radiographs that help assess the location and size of the tumor, and its relationship to the rest of the colon, are valuable information in planning treatment.

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Ulcerative pathology is manifested as drug deposits, ulcerative colitis can also be seen on the background of colonic tumors. In addition, other abnormalities of the colon can also be detected such as too long colon, congenital megacolon, and colonic spasm.
X-ray colon with contrast is a simple but effective colon assessment method to help diagnose diseases including colon cancer.
Gastrointestinal cancer screening is a scientific and effective measure to detect gastrointestinal cancer early (esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer) and provide a good treatment plan. best. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has a package of screening and early detection of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus - stomach - colon) combined with clinical and paraclinical examination to bring the most accurate results. maybe.
When screening for gastrointestinal cancer at Vinmec, you will receive:
Gastrointestinal specialty examination with an oncologist (by appointment). Gastroscopy and colonoscopy with an NBI endoscope under anesthesia. Complete peripheral blood cytology (by laser counter). Automated prothrombin time test. Automated thrombin time test. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) test using an automated machine. General abdominal ultrasound To register for screening and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination. HERE .
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