Colds and flu: 10 ways to feel better

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Sore throat, cough, sneezing and sniffling are symptoms of a cold or flu. Unfortunately, there is no cure for a cold or flu quickly. However, you may feel better faster with the following ways.

1. Rest

When you have a cold, the flu will require more energy than usual. So rest should be your top priority. You should stay home, not go to work or school, and stick to your daily routine until you feel better.

2. Go to sleep

Please curl up in a blanket to rest, don't stay up late watching TV. Less sleep will weaken your immune system, making it easier for bacteria to invade. Go to bed early, and remember to take a nap. If cold or flu symptoms keep you from sleeping, try using an extra pillow to elevate your head. This can reduce sinus pressure and help you breathe easier.

Cảm cúm có thể khiến người bệnh thấy khó ngủ
Cảm cúm có thể khiến người bệnh thấy khó ngủ

3. Drinking lots of water helps reduce cold and flu symptoms

Drinking a lot of water will reduce mucus in the mucous membranes and reduce congestion. It also helps prevent headaches and fatigue caused by dehydration. Hold a glass of water or a reusable bottle in your hand, then fill it with water to drink. Do not use caffeinated sodas, coffee and alcohol because it will make your body drier.

4. Gargle with salt water to cure colds and flu

This is a good way to soothe a sore throat. Salt water reduces swelling and reduces mucus. Add a quarter to a half teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water, stir until it dissolves, and gargle several times a day.

5. Sip on a hot drink

When you have a cold or flu, it's comforting to rest with a cup of tea by your side. Plus, many studies show that hot water can also relieve cold symptoms like sore throat and fatigue. Try sipping caffeine-free herbal tea, lemonade, or warm broth.

6. Drink a spoonful of honey

The stickiness of honey will soothe your cough when you have a cold, flu. In one study, children who ate about half a tablespoon of honey before bed slept better and coughed less than children who took a placebo pill.
Mix honey with a cup of decaffeinated tea or lemon juice. Note: Do not give honey to children under 1 year old.

7. Hot shower

Inhaling steam can moisten the throat and nose, as well as relieve congestion. Although research is uncertain about whether this remedy works, there is no harm in trying it. The heat can also help you relax sore muscles.

Tắm nước nóng có thể làm ấm và giảm tình trạng nghẹt mũi
Tắm nước nóng có thể làm ấm và giảm tình trạng nghẹt mũi

8. Use cold and flu medicine

Using medicine will reduce symptoms of colds and flu. Use the medication as directed, and remember not to use it on children under 6 years of age without the consent of your pediatrician.
Doctors often recommend acetaminophen for fever and pain relievers. However, if you are taking another cold or flu medicine, make sure there is no acetaminophen in that medicine. It is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter medications, but taking too much can be dangerous. So check the ingredients and ask your pharmacist how much is enough.
In addition, to reduce the symptoms of colds and flu, you can apply the following measures:
Sore throat lozenges: There are herbs and other ingredients in the lozenges that can soothe the feeling of pain. . Decongestants for stuffy nose: This medicine works to narrow the blood vessels in the nose so that the airways can be opened. However, the liquid or pill form can make you feel jittery. Using decongestant sprays and drops too much for a cold or flu can cause more stuffiness, so don't use them for more than 3 days. expectorant: It can help loosen phlegm. Antihistamines to dry the nose, relieve symptoms of a runny nose. This medicine helps to stop sneezing and sniffling symptoms when you have a cold or flu. Taking a decongestant and an antihistamine together may be more helpful than taking one alone.

9. Use a saline spray or rinse your nose

Saline sprays (over-the-counter) make your nostrils moist, making it easier to blow your nose.
You may also want to try the nasal irrigation method. Gently pour the saline solution into one nostril and let it drain out from the other nostril.
This method helps wash away dry mucus so you can breathe easier. You can buy a nasal wash, use a syringe, or a nasal wash.
If you make your own, always make sure the brine is mixed with distilled or cooled water, or boiled water.

Người bệnh có thể sử dụng phương pháp rửa mũi khi bị cảm cúm
Người bệnh có thể sử dụng phương pháp rửa mũi khi bị cảm cúm

10. Eat chicken soup

Eating chicken soup when you have a cold or flu can actually make you feel better. Research shows that chicken soup can calm inflammation in your body. This helps relieve some symptoms such as pain and congestion. Moreover, this dish is in liquid form and also contains calories to provide energy for the body.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist. You can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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