Classification of eyelid drooping and how to fix it

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Eyelid drooping causes a significant impact on the eyes, especially the overview of the entire face. The eyes are likened to the soul to show a person's confidence. Therefore, people with drooping eyelids will be limited in many problems and make them less than perfect.

1. Classification of eyelid drooping according to the main cause

There are 3 main causes that are thought to be the core of drooping eyelids. Based on the cause, the condition can help the doctor make the most appropriate conclusions and solutions to improve and overcome this condition.

1.1. Drooping eyelids due to genetic factors in the family

Congenital droopy eyelids are not uncommon. There are some objects that have collapsed at birth and are detected in time. However, some others gradually droop their eyelids as adults.

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Sụt mí mắt xuất hiện mất đi tính thẩm mĩ

For people with congenital ptosis, the upper eyelid will drop and lower than the allowable level. The eyelids will cause the pupil to be partially or possibly completely obscured. This reduces vision and greatly affects vision. Therefore, congenital ptosis is considered as a defect with a great impact on long-term vision.

1.2. Elderly people are at risk of drooping eyelids

As we begin to age, sagging skin and drooping eyelids can also occur. This is called excess skin on the eyelids. If the elderly have overweight or obesity syndrome or dry skin, they are at increased risk of drooping eyelids.
In addition, the nutritional loss as well as the elasticity of the skin is not as it was when young. Therefore, as we age, if we do not supplement collagen, the skin will quickly weaken, leading to a decrease in eyelid muscle tone.

1.3. Eyelid droop due to failure of invasive surgery

Eyes are the highlight of the face. Therefore, it is quite concerned and cared for to ensure that the face will be more harmonious as well as sharper. However, this inadvertently harms the women themselves.
Wishing for beautiful glittering eyes but abusing aesthetics is not a good idea. The old cosmetic methods, the technique is still weak, leading to failure or causing hypotonia to occur.
The essence of the old cosmetic method is to remove excess fat and excess skin around the eyes. However, when aesthetics are not cared for and performed carefully, eye damage will happen quickly.
Since then, eyelid drooping not only causes loss of sense of face but also dangerous, long-term effects.

2. How to overcome droopy eyelids effectively and with less harm

Lifting eyelids for people with drooping eyelids is recommended to be performed as soon as possible after detection. Currently, with the development of medicine and modern machinery, eyelid surgery is the most effective way to fix droopy eyelids, taking place very easily and without complications.

Thực hiện các phẫu thuật thẩm mĩ giúp giảm tình trạng sụt mí mắt
Thực hiện các phẫu thuật thẩm mĩ giúp giảm tình trạng sụt mí mắt

First, the doctor will conduct an assessment of whether your health condition is suitable for surgery. After that, the level is assessed, classification of eyelid drooping to have the most appropriate regimen and plan. In most cases of eyelid lift, one eyelid ring will be removed. Due to different surgical indications, the care and recovery time are also different.
In the case of patients with drooping eyelids due to genetic factors for many generations, surgery should be combined with eyelid surgery and eyelid lift. If the eyelid lift is not performed, the results after surgery will be disproportionate. After the eyelid surgery is completed, the doctors will make cosmetic surgery for the eyelid line so as not to reveal the surgical mark. When fully recovered, your eyes will retain their natural, unforced appearance.
If the patient's eyelid droop is due to aging skin, the doctor needs to accurately assess the position of the eyelid arch to determine if there is a hereditary droopy eyelid before. Once the tests are complete, the eyelid lift procedure takes place again. At each level of the patient, the excess skin and fat will be calculated accordingly. After finishing, the eyelid will follow the old eyelid line but be brought up and stretched.
There are some cases where the patient's condition is more complicated, so the doctor needs to evaluate in more detail to be able to offer an appropriate treatment plan.
If the eyelid is too high or too small, it will cause an imbalance. Therefore, accurate identification will not affect the new eyelid fold after surgery. At the same time, when performing surgery, the doctor needs to ensure that the eyes are natural and fresh so as not to make the patient self-deprecating and guilty due to cosmetic correction.
Treatment methods for drooping eyelids are always applied flexibly. Therefore, you need to go to a reputable medical facility to perform eyelid lift. At the same time, closely follow the doctor's instructions to avoid problems after surgery.
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