Children's important motor milestones

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The article was consulted professionally by Assoc. Dr. Dr. Huynh Thoai Loan - Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. Uncle is one of the leading experts in Pediatrics - Neonatology in Ho Chi Minh City with nearly 30 years of experience in examining and treating diseases of pediatric endocrinology, pediatric nephrology and other pediatric - neonatal problems.

The baby's important motor milestones are when the baby can roll, crawl, and walk. Parents should note these milestones to help their children complete their tasks well.

1. Children know how to roll

When the baby turns 3 months, at this time the baby has more growth and this is also an important first motor milestone for the baby: the baby can roll over, or even know how to turn over. Initially, the baby will try to lean to one side, but without success, the baby will fall and lie on his back. If the baby can't practice forever, it can make the baby angry and fussy. That's because the baby's body muscles are not strong enough to turn the whole body. When children practice regularly, gradually the body muscles will be strong and strong. At that time, the baby can turn over his whole body and roll successfully. When children know how to roll, children can see things in the same way as adults. Although the baby has rolled, but at this time, the baby's head and neck are still a bit weak, he can only lift his head up about 45 degrees compared to the plane he is lying on and only lift for a short time. After that, the baby will get tired and put his head down. Baby continues to practice and next time, he will do very well. As your baby's neck gets stiffer, she'll hold it higher and longer. Even if she hears calls or sounds, she may try to raise her neck to about 70-90 degrees. Later, when the child knows how to roll proficiently, the child can roll often, turning over and over his body.

Khi trẻ biết lẫy, trẻ được nhìn mọi vật theo chiều giống với người trưởng thành
Khi trẻ biết lẫy, trẻ được nhìn mọi vật theo chiều giống với người trưởng thành

2. Children can crawl

When your baby turns 9 months, another important milestone for your baby is crawling. This is the continuation result from the previous process. In the prone position, when the baby's feet know how to push down on the bed, the trunk muscles will know to lift the body and the leg muscles will know how to support the bed. That's when babies can crawl. Baby crawls on 2 hands and 2 knees, called crawling on 4 limbs.

3. Children can walk

Đến tháng thứ 10 bé đã có thể tập đi
Đến tháng thứ 10 bé đã có thể tập đi

When the baby turns 10 months, at this time his legs are more stable and he can do many interesting things with his legs, for example, he knows how to squat on two legs. Babies can also learn to stand up on their own without having to hold onto them. The 10th month is also an important milestone for babies and parents, that is, babies can walk on two legs. Baby can take a few toddler steps and short steps. Babies who practice walking by 12 months can walk a short distance on their own. At this time, the baby can sit, stand up, walk and rest on his own. Baby can walk steadily, proficiently and no longer need much help from parents. When children can walk, children love to play hide and seek with their parents and also love to be chased by their parents. By the 15th month, your baby's learning to walk can be said to be complete. To help children achieve important milestones, parents should supplement children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their needs. nutritional requirements in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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