Children's brain development

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The child's brain directs and programs every development in the body. Thanks to advances in neuroscience and technical equipment, researchers are now able to see inside the human brain and know more about how children's brains develop.

1. How does a child's brain develop?

Most of the nervous system of the brain is established in the first few years of life. At birth, a baby's brain is only one-quarter the size of an adult brain. But by the age of 2, this central organ has reached three-quarters of the size of an adult. And by the age of 5, the child's brain size is already very close to the size and mass of an adult.
Of course, this does not mean that a preschooler will know everything like an adult. In addition to the size and mass of the brain, experience also plays a major role. The structures of the young brain involved in learning, memory, motor control and all other functions have been established by the age of 5. This is the very meaning of this development.
Neural structures and pathways communicate information, used and reused throughout life. Meanwhile, the connecting synapse is the basis of all one's movements, thoughts, memories, and emotions.

Bộ não của trẻ sơ sinh có kích thước chỉ bằng 1/4 não của người trưởng thành
Bộ não của trẻ sơ sinh có kích thước chỉ bằng 1/4 não của người trưởng thành

2. Promote brain development

No two brains are exactly alike, not even twins' brains are alike. The type of synapse created between cells in the brain depends on how a child's brain is used, the variety and richness of circumstances in which a person is exposed, and genetics.
During the first year of life, when the brain's important emotional components are being formed, a safe and familiar environment is most important, including lots of cuddling, caressing and needing are responded to in a timely manner.
In addition, the key to a child's brain development during the first 3 years is to talk, play with and live in a diverse, creatively stimulating environment. At the same time, their brains need a chance to rest, to balance, and to reorganize themselves.
Such simple things are an important premise for children's brain development in later learning.

Ngay cả trẻ sinh đôi cũng không có bộ não giống nhau
Ngay cả trẻ sinh đôi cũng không có bộ não giống nhau

3. Create Strong Connected Synapses

What's surprising is that the brain of a 2-year-old has trillions of synapses - twice the number of an adult. The brain develops these connections in response to all kinds of input, so it can adapt and survive. Over time, certain synapses are used over and over again, while others fall into oblivion.
This natural process is called neurectomy. This is why it is easier for children to learn to speak a second language at a very young age. If a child's brain is not exposed to that language on a regular basis, certain synapses will dry up, and then the brain can no longer hear or speak easily. This process shows that habit formation and repetition are important for young children. Fixed routines facilitate learning and help a child's brain understand what information is important.
Although most brain development occurs during the first 3 years of life, the subsequent years of learning continue to nurture a complex and busy brain. Children, especially from about 3 - 6 years old, will easily learn from cultural knowledge, to social rules, complex names of dinosaurs, how to play sports and games, understand directions. instructions, how to use technology devices .... However, the impulse control and judgment parts of a child's brain develop later. They are not fully activated until after adolescence.
Children continue to develop brains as they grow up, so parents should take this "golden time" to promote brain development by playing with children, letting them live in a diverse, capable environment thinking ability, good creativity and proper nutrition and rest.
In addition, children need to be supplemented with zinc daily depending on their age to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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