Children with zinc deficiency should supplement what?

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Huynh Bao Toan - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

There are many different causes of anorexia in children, one of which is zinc deficiency in young children. Supplementing with zinc will help children improve their health, overcome anorexia and have a better appetite. So what should children with zinc deficiency eat to gradually regain their taste?

1. How much zinc is enough for children with anorexia?

Anorexia is a common eating disorder in young children. To improve, mothers should cook zinc-rich foods for their children to help them eat better. According to the recommendations of the American Institute of Food and Nutrition, the safe amount of zinc to supplement for anorexia children is divided by age as follows:
From 1 to 3 years old: 7mg of zinc. From 4 to 8 years old: 12mg zinc. Consuming more zinc than needed carries the risk of complications, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches or stomach cramps. In the long run, an overdose of zinc will lead to toxicity.

2. What should children with zinc deficiency eat?

2.1. Oysters

Oysters are the seafood that tops the list of foods rich in zinc for babies. A medium-sized oyster contains up to 5.3mg of zinc. In addition, this seafood species is also rich in protein, low in calories, and contains many minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, B12 and iron. Oyster porridge is one of the dishes that are easy to cook and loved by many children.

Hàu là thực phẩm giàu kẽm, giàu protein, chứa nhiều chất khoáng và vitamin rất tốt cho trẻ
Hàu là thực phẩm giàu kẽm, giàu protein, chứa nhiều chất khoáng và vitamin rất tốt cho trẻ

2.2. Crab and Lobster

Crab and lobster are 2 types of seafood that should be supplemented for children with zinc deficiency. In addition, fish such as sardines, halibut, and salmon also contain zinc, but in lesser amounts. The yellow color along with the aroma of crab and shrimp when cooked will appeal to babies, making them impossible to ignore. In addition, the nutritional source from crab and shrimp is also very good for the heart health of the baby.

2.3. Legumes help overcome zinc deficiency in children

Legumes in general contain a lot of fiber, iron and zinc. When you don't know what zinc-deficient children should eat, try making bean-based dishes for them. Green beans, red beans, white beans... will create a colorful meal, helping to stimulate the baby to eat well.

2.4. Children with zinc deficiency should supplement with red meat and poultry

Beef, pork and chicken are three popular meats, nutritious and especially rich in zinc. You should prioritize choosing lean, fat-free meat or young ribs to prepare food for your baby. Suggested dishes for you to cook for your baby are beef with onion sauce, beef rolls with guise leaves, boiled chicken, chicken soup, fried sweet and sour ribs,... In addition, a large egg can contain about 0.6 mg of zinc.

2.5. Nuts

Common nuts such as pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts, and chia seeds are an essential daily source of zinc for children. You can make a salad and sprinkle peanuts on it for your baby to enjoy or let your baby eat cashews with salad, yogurt.

2.6. Vegetable

To solve the problem of zinc deficiency, parents can give the baby a lot of vegetables and fruits such as mushrooms, spinach, broccoli and garlic. They contain a lot of zinc, vitamins, minerals and do not provide too many calories.

2.7. Whole grains

Whole grains are one of the foods that should be supplemented for children with anorexia zinc deficiency. In 62g of oats contains about 0.9 mg of zinc. Similarly, in 62g of brown rice contains about 0.6 mg of zinc. Meanwhile, one slice of whole-grain bread contains 0.5mg of zinc.

Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt là một trong những thực phẩm nên bổ sung cho trẻ thiếu kẽm, biếng ăn
Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt là một trong những thực phẩm nên bổ sung cho trẻ thiếu kẽm, biếng ăn

2.8. Milk and dairy products

This is a source of calcium as well as zinc needed for children. Children lacking micronutrients should increase their milk intake to ensure adequate nutrition for physical and brain development.

2.9. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a good source of zinc for babies. However, the amount of dark chocolate should be limited so that children do not eat more than one bar (about 28g) per day. To increase the amount of zinc for children, parents can choose supplements containing zinc in combination with Lysine, Taurine and B vitamins,...
Monitoring the symptoms and preventing deficiency Zinc in children as well as choosing foods to supplement children with zinc deficiency helps ensure the physical and intellectual development of children.
LaminKid contains lysine and important micro-minerals such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. Lysine is an essential amino acid for a child's development that the body cannot synthesize on its own. LaminKid contains 160 mg of lysine and many other nutrients that support the digestive system and enhance absorption. At the same time, LaminKid also supports the immune system, enhances resistance, reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, flu... LaminKid is used for children with zinc deficiency, malabsorption, slowness. large, thin body, malnourished. Children with poor resistance, or suffering from upper respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, or children who are sick or have just recovered can also use it. With natural ingredients, nuggets and a strawberry flavor kids love, LaminKid is a safe and effective supplement for children's zinc deficiency.
Zinc deficiency in young children greatly affects the comprehensive development of children, especially when children are anorexic and malnourished. To solve the problem of what zinc deficiency children should supplement, parents need to build an appropriate diet for the child or can supplement through micronutrient-fortified products under the guidance of a doctor.
If the child still shows signs of zinc deficiency after eating and drinking according to the above instructions, you should take your baby to the doctor, have a zinc quantitative test to have a treatment plan and supplement for the baby.
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