Children refuse to sleep, what to do?

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Sleep is a natural instinct for children. However, the situation of children refusing to sleep still occurs often. This makes parents worry about the health of their children. Children need their parents' help to continue to get enough sleep. Children who sleep and wake up on time and are well-rested are usually easier to care for and grow faster.

1. Reasons why children refuse to sleep

In fact, children's sleep will be affected by many different reasons. Sometimes parents do not pay attention, but a number of factors can greatly affect the quality of children's sleep, such as:
If the mother sleeps less during pregnancy, it will also be related to the phenomenon of the baby. Newborns sleep less after birth. The baby in the womb will be stimulated or awake during sleep if the mother is active. Therefore, after birth, babies often tend not to like to sleep or have a hard time falling asleep. For newborns, mothers need to pay attention to ensuring proper daily activities and feeding, otherwise, this is also Baby's body temperature is often higher than normal people's, so it's important to keep the space in the room well-ventilated and at a moderate temperature. Do not wrap the baby too tightly. Children will not sleep peacefully if their body is hot Children will not sleep deeply if you often hug them to sleep. Not only the baby, but the mother's sleep quality will also be affected. Children waking up at night can also be thirsty, especially in the summer. Before sleeping, the mother should give the child a little water to drink. For children under 6 months of age, breast milk should be given. Regularly feed or breastfeed the baby. Children will have trouble sleeping if they are hungry, however, feeding or eating too much will also make them spit up or have difficulty digesting while sleeping. Children will feel itchy and uncomfortable when entering the teething stage. This also affects the sleep of the child, the child will sleep shorter and less. In addition, some children may have a fever, typhus, or abdominal pain. Children oversleep. When there are signs of sleepiness, children will have actions such as rubbing their eyes, yawning, sleeping... Parents should not ignore these signs. If your baby is not put to sleep when he is too sleepy, he will go into the fully awake stage and this will make it difficult if you want to put him back to sleep A number of other reasons also cause a baby to wake up, fussy, such as wet diapers, loud noises, or room temperature that is too hot or too cold.

Trẻ sẽ bị mất ngủ nếu bị đói, tuy nhiên bú hoặc ăn quá no cũng khiến trẻ dễ bị trớ hoặc cảm thấy khó tiêu hóa khi ngủ
Trẻ sẽ bị mất ngủ nếu bị đói, tuy nhiên bú hoặc ăn quá no cũng khiến trẻ dễ bị trớ hoặc cảm thấy khó tiêu hóa khi ngủ

2. How to fix children's sleep

Here are some expert ideas on how to help your baby sleep better:
Once your child understands what you're saying, you can tell him that you'll just stay in the room with him for a while. a short period of time for the child to realize that it is time for the child to go to sleep. You can train your child to be alone by doing some chores like fetching a glass of water, washing the dishes....Or you can tell your child that if he's quiet and in bed, you'll come back and hug and kiss you. Help your child create a bedtime routine. Do not hold, shake, or use bottles or pacifiers to lull your baby to sleep. While effective in the short term, these methods can make a child dependent on putting them to sleep, rather than falling asleep on their own. If your baby won't sleep, try letting him cry for longer periods of time, starting at five minutes, increasing to ten minutes, and so on. After each interval, you can spend about 2-3 minutes reassuring your baby by talking or comforting her. Watch your baby closely to see when he or she shows signs of sleepiness - and set that time to your child's bedtime. To form this habit, the child's sleeping space needs to be quiet. You can help your baby fall asleep by comforting herself, such as giving her a stuffed animal or blanket. You can pat the baby to put him to sleep. Change the child's nap time or maybe cut back the sleep time if necessary to ensure a good night's sleep for the child. Create a comfortable sleeping space for your baby: you need to create a comfortable sleeping space for your child to get a good night's sleep. In order to give children the habit of going to bed on time, parents need to have a very quiet space so that the child's sleep is not affected. You can massage the child after cleaning, give the child milk and sing a lullaby. young. Children easily feel sleepy if they hear lullabies. Habits of children will be formed if you repeat this action every day. Children learn that it's time to sleep when they feel what you're doing. For young children, sharing a bed with their mother helps them feel safe. Sleeping with your baby helps to create a loving bond between mother and baby. In addition, sharing a bed with your child makes it more convenient for you to take care of your baby and monitor your baby, such as feeding or changing diapers. Experts also recommend that, to ensure the best health for the child, it is advisable to place the child in the crib and next to the parents' bed.

Bạn cần tạo không gian ngủ thoải mái cho trẻ để trẻ có được giấc ngủ ngon
Bạn cần tạo không gian ngủ thoải mái cho trẻ để trẻ có được giấc ngủ ngon
Feeding your child a full meal before going to sleep: To help children have a good night's sleep, feeding them full food plays a very important role. Children will sleep well and will not wake up from hunger when they are full. You need to give your child a full meal before putting him to bed so as not to affect his sleep. To prevent the child from being startled awake, you can hold the child until he is fast asleep, then put him down. Limit all kinds of sounds that can interfere with your child's sleep Expose your child to sunlight: exposing your child to more sunlight will help prevent the hormone melatonin (a hormone regulates sleep cycles) secretes when it's not needed, and when needed it releases the most. You can go for a walk with your child every morning, even on cloudy and sunny days. However, you should not use lamps to replace sunlight. You should turn off the lights about 2 hours before the baby sleeps. This helps children distinguish between day and night. Before sleeping, avoid overstimulating the child, and do not let the child cry or laugh too much. Because this will affect the sleep of the child The child's body needs to be cleaned every day. A clean body will help children sleep better Avoid putting pressure on children by threatening or scolding...when children refuse to sleep, be gentle, hug and pat them. Children who refuse to sleep will leave you and your loved ones feeling exhausted. Every baby has unique needs for sleep. It can be difficult to compare your baby with other babies and putting your baby to sleep is a common topic when parents talk. It's important to keep in mind that your baby's personality, physical condition, and age will all play a big part in your baby's sleep habits.

Tránh gây áp lực cho trẻ bằng cách dọa nạt hay la mắng...khi trẻ không chịu ngủ, hãy nhẹ nhàng, ôm ấp, vỗ về trẻ
Tránh gây áp lực cho trẻ bằng cách dọa nạt hay la mắng...khi trẻ không chịu ngủ, hãy nhẹ nhàng, ôm ấp, vỗ về trẻ
In Vietnam today, 7 out of 10 children under 5 years old have zinc deficiency and 8 pregnant women have zinc deficiency. The prevalence of zinc deficiency in pregnant women is 80.3%, women of childbearing age 63.6% and children under 5 years old is 69.4%. The most common manifestations of zinc deficiency in children are growth retardation, mild and moderate malnutrition, delayed growth in height, and some observable symptoms such as anorexia or decreased appetite, decreased suckling, and no meat. fish, slow digestion, mild constipation, persistent nausea and vomiting in children. In addition to reasonable zinc supplementation, parents also need to provide their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... resistance to less minor illnesses and less digestive problems.
Please regularly visit the website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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