Children 2-4 years old still sucking their thumb, what to do?

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No need to worry much about 2-year-olds still sucking their thumbs. This habit is almost safe until the permanent teeth erupt. But if you want to stop thumbsucking, try to address the underlying causes. Coercion or punishment only makes children suck their thumbs more.

1. Why do children suck their fingers?

Children suck their thumbs to comfort and soothe themselves. Your baby may have developed this habit from the time you were in the womb and throughout infancy. There are a number of benefits to allowing children to suck their thumbs instead of sucking on a pacifier: The thumb is always there, it doesn't fall on the floor, it doesn't get suffocated by the lanyard, or entangled in things, etc.
A 2-year-old still sucking can be due to fatigue, fear, boredom, illness, or when trying to adjust to new challenges like starting daycare or kindergarten. Babies can also use their thumbs to fall asleep on their own when placed in bed and to go back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of the night.

Trẻ mút ngón tay có thể được hình thành từ khi trẻ sơ sinh
Trẻ mút ngón tay có thể được hình thành từ khi trẻ sơ sinh

2. How to stop thumb sucking for children?

2.1. Don't worry too much

Parents do not be too worried when the 2-year-old still sucks his thumb. The American Dental Association says most children who have not yet begun to have permanent teeth can suckle their fingers without worrying about damaging their teeth or jaws. Permanent teeth usually appear only when the child is about 6 years old.
You should also remember that not all children who suck their thumbs experience the same harm. Experts say it is the intensity of sucking and the thrust of the tongue that deforms the teeth, causing some children to need braces later on. If your child only has a passive thumb in their mouth, they are less likely to have dental problems than children who suck their thumb with force.

Trẻ mút ngón tay có thể cần niềng răng trong tương lai
Trẻ mút ngón tay có thể cần niềng răng trong tương lai

2.2. Pay close attention to your child's actions

If your baby suckles vigorously, you should start curbing this habit earlier, for example around the age of 4. In case you notice an unusual change in your baby's mouth or teeth; Or if you don't know if your child's thumb sucking is causing problems, consult your dentist.
If your child's thumb is red and cracked from sucking, try applying moisturizer while he or she is sleeping. Note to avoid applying when the child is awake so that he does not suck the whole cream into his mouth.
Most children stop sucking their own thumb between the ages of 2 and 4. Some children continue this habit for longer, but one effective way to stop thumb sucking is to not want to be compared. compare, laugh at, or be different from friends at school.

2.3. Try to ignore and be patient until the baby actively gives up

Punishing a 2-year-old who still sucks or nags to get his thumb out of his mouth won't help. The reason is that many children just suck their fingers unconsciously, as a habit but not intentionally. Methods such as wrapping rubber bands around your child's thumb are seen as punishment for no reason, especially when your baby is in the habit of sucking his thumb for comfort and security. In addition, forcing children to stop sucking can have the opposite effect, motivating them to want to do it more.
Children often give up thumb sucking when they find another way to calm down and reassure themselves. For example, if your child has a tendency to suck his thumb when he's hungry, he'll soon learn to simply open the fridge and find something to eat or ask mom for a snack.

Việc ép buộc cai mút tay cho trẻ có thể tạo tác dụng ngược
Việc ép buộc cai mút tay cho trẻ có thể tạo tác dụng ngược

2.4. Redirect attention to other activities

If you can determine when and where your child is most likely to suck, such as while watching TV, find a way to distract her with an activity. Suggestions are to invite your child to play squeezing rubber balls, clap hands, dance to a song or use your fingers to do puppet shows.
In case your child is particularly fond of thumb sucking in the car, try showing him a children's book to divert attention.
If your baby tends to suck on his thumb when he is tired, you can try giving him a longer nap or an earlier bedtime. Or if your child often sucks his thumb when frustrated, help him put his feelings into words.
To wean your child from thumb sucking, it is important that you pay attention to the times and situations in which your child often practices this habit. Then try to redirect your child's attention by offering an alternative. Parents can work together with their children to find highly effective solutions to stop thumb sucking for their children.
In addition, in order to prevent diseases that babies often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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