Causes of increased salivation, treatment

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I have been suffering from increased salivation for a long time, went to the hospital, the doctor said it was due to tonsillitis, and treated in this direction but it did not reduce at all. I have no stomach problems, no heartburn. Previously, I had treatment for sore throat for 2 weeks, taking too much Paracetamol 500mg, so my skin was allergic. After 2 months of eating right, my skin returned to normal. So the doctor asked me why I have increased salivation, and how to treat it?
Anonymous reader
Hello, thank you for submitting your question to the website, if you have an enlarged salivary gland, you should see an ENT specialist to be examined and prescribed treatment by a specialist. Please.
Doctor Le Nguyen Tri Dung - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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