Can syphilis be transmitted through food?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Phuong - Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
When it comes to genital warts, people will immediately think of unsafe sex. However, genital warts can be transmitted through many different ways and cause disease in many places on the body. So what is shingles? Can syphilis be transmitted through food?

1. What is genital warts?

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The most common route of infection is unprotected sex. Manifestations of the disease are papillae, bright pink or light-colored, at first there are single fleshy spines, when the disease is more severe, these spines will gather into a mass resembling a chicken's crest. The site of the disease may not be painful, however, the longer it stays, the more pus or fishy smell it will have.
Genital warts if not detected and treated promptly, the patient may suffer the most severe consequences, genital warts.

2. Genital warts are transmitted by which ways?

Genital warts can be transmitted in the following ways:

2.1. Sexually transmitted

Unprotected sex is the leading cause of genital warts. Through sex, scratches in the mucous membranes of the genitals can form a source of genital warts. You do not think that only genital sex can get genital warts, but even other forms of sex such as: oral or anal sex can also spread the disease if your partner has it. sick.

2.2. Mother infects her baby during childbirth

If a woman has genital warts, she should not choose the vaginal delivery method. Because when the fetus passes through the mother's cervix and vagina, the fetus is exposed to this virus through the warts from which your baby can develop genital warts at an early age.

2.3. Spread through an open wound

Open wounds where the HPV virus is present can become a source of genital warts. Simply when you come into contact with the wound at the place containing the warts, and then accidentally touch the wound or sensitive skin on your body, then you can completely be a victim of warts. .

3. Can genital warts be transmitted through food?

Bệnh sùi mào gà lây qua đũa ăn khi dùng chung thức ăn
Bệnh sùi mào gà lây qua đũa ăn khi dùng chung thức ăn
The HPV virus lives in the blood, salivary glands, and mucus of an infected person. When you come into contact with any case of genital warts, there is a possibility of HPV infection and causing genital warts. Eating and drinking has not been officially reported, but it is possible, if sharing food or objects contaminated with this virus while there is damage to the surface of the oral mucosa, the lining of the digestive tract, can include cases of: In the following cases:
Eating and drinking with a person who has genital warts while having damage to the oral mucosa. Sharing utensils such as bowls, chopsticks, etc. with people with genital warts when there is damage to the digestive tract mucosa. Although the possibility of contracting genital warts through food is not high, it is still possible. Each of us should know how to prevent disease for ourselves, especially when living together, in crowded places, especially strangers, people meeting for the first time. When the disease is prolonged and not treated in time, the disease will have bad developments or even turn into cancer, which is dangerous for the patient.
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