Can meningitis be cured?

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Hello doctor. I have a niece who is just over 1 year old this year, just hospitalized for meningitis treatment at the hospital. The family was subjective, seeing that I had a fever, I thought it was a change in weather, so I usually had a fever. But on the second day, when I saw that he was weak and tired, I loved him so much, so my family took him to the doctor and it was concluded that he had meningitis. I am so afraid, whether meningitis can be completely cured, doctor. I took him to the hospital only 1 day after the fever, so I'm sure he'll be fine, right?
Tran Thu Thuy
Hello doctor. The doctor told me, my 11-month-old son had meningitis, at first he vomited and then had a fever, his body was tired, he slept for about 4 days, then he took him to the doctor to find out that he had meningitis. At the hospital, the doctor said that there is no cure for her disease, but if she eats well and has resistance, it will push the virus out. Besides, the baby can detect the disease in 4-5 days, so it's too late to detect it, doctor. Please answer me, thank you doctor.
Anonymous question

Meningitis is usually curable if caught early. Children with meningitis and have been cured can belong to 2 groups:
Completely cured, without any sequelae, these children will develop intellectually and have normal health. Heal but leave sequelae, for example: limitation of movement (paralysis, muscle stiffness...), mental retardation... This is easy to see. But there are sequelae of hearing loss, it is necessary to consult a specialist for timely detection and treatment. Your baby will most likely be in the case of a complete recovery, if possible, the family should take her for a hearing test.
BSCK I Bui Thi Ha - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Ha Long General Hospital
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