Home Tag Meningitis in children

Articles in Meningitis in children

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Distinguishing encephalitis and meningitis in children
Viêm màng não và viêm não ở trẻ em là hai bệnh lý rất nặng trong nhóm bệnh não - màng não, nếu không được điều trị kịp thời có thể để lại di chứng nghiêm trọng ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của trẻ, thậm chí gây tử vong.
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Can meningitis be cured?
Hi doctor. I have a niece who is just over 1 year old this year, just hospitalized for meningitis treatment at the hospital. The family was subjective, seeing that he had a fever, thought it was a change in weather, so he usually had a fever. But on the 2nd day, when I saw that he was weak and tired, because he was still too young, my family took him to the doctor and it was concluded that he had meningitis. I am so afraid, whether meningitis can be completely cured, doctor. I took him to the hospital only 1 day after he had a fever, so I'm sure he'll be fine, right?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics