Burn sequelae: What you need to know

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Huu Thang - Emergency Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital. The doctor has nearly 10 years of experience in Emergency Resuscitation.
Most burn injuries heal over time. However, severe burns, if not treated in time, can leave many cosmetic, psychological or dangerous complications.

1. Causes of burns

Burn is a type of necrotic injury, caused by many causes such as heat, electricity, chemicals,... Burns caused by activities: accounting for 65% of burns. In which, the number of burns due to occupational accidents is about 10%, the rest due to traffic accidents, treatment, natural disasters,...
The main causes of burns include:
Wet heat: water boiling, hot food with a temperature of 50 - 100oC, fat and fat boiling hot at 180oC, high pressure steam,... Dry heat: fire burns, alcohol gasoline burns, hot metal burns,... Electricity: sparks electricity or high voltage current, lightning, ... cause burns. Chemical: burns caused by contact with oxidizing agents, corrosive substances, deoxidizers, alkalis,... Radiation: burns when affected by infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, radioactive rays, .. .

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Vết bỏng do tiếp xúc với ngọn lửa

2. Degrees of burn injury

There are 4 degrees of burn damage as follows:
1st degree burns This type of burn causes the smallest skin damage. First-degree burns are also known as superficial burns because they affect only the outermost layer of the skin with signs of redness, swelling, pain, dryness, and peeling (occurring while the burn is healing). First-degree burns usually heal in 3 to 6 days.
2nd degree burns are more serious than 1st degree burns because the damage has spread to the lower layer of skin. Second-degree burns are characterized by blistering, red, and swollen skin. Some blisters may open, leaving the burn wet.
Therefore, when suffering from a second degree burn, the patient needs to be bandaged to avoid infection and help the burn heal faster. Usually, second-degree burns will heal in about 2-3 weeks. So how many burns need a skin graft? Often, a second degree burn can be used with a skin transplant to help the skin heal faster.

Bỏng độ 2 gây phồng rộp và khá lâu lành
Bỏng độ 2 gây phồng rộp và khá lâu lành
3rd degree burns are the most severe types of burns, causing the most severe damage, spreading to deeper layers of skin. Third-degree burns can affect blood vessels, vital organs and bones, and can lead to death.
4th degree burns The damage of 3rd degree burns spreads below the skin, spreading to tendons and bones.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

3. The sequelae of burns

All degrees of burns increase the risk of infection because bacteria can get into open skin. Sepsis can occur in the most severe cases, which can lead to shock and death.
The most common post-burn sequelae are hypertrophic scars, concave scars, keloid scars and stretch marks. In addition, some burns also cause sequelae of adhesions, malnourished ulcers or cancer on the scar background,... The severity of the burn sequelae depends on the depth and location of the burn and the method of treatment. treatment.

Di chứng sau bỏng thường là các vết sẹo có độ nặng nhẹ khác nhau
Di chứng sau bỏng thường là các vết sẹo có độ nặng nhẹ khác nhau
If the burn scar is located in areas related to movement such as the joints of the arms, legs, hands, etc., it will limit the function of the joints. In addition, because the scar from the burn is quite large, the effect is also quite large. The most complicated is the burn scar on the hand, especially affecting the fingers, making the fingers stick together, difficult to operate and restore function after the burn.
In addition to health problems, the consequences of burns are also aesthetic factors and can cause psychological damage to the patient.

4. Treatment of burn sequelae

Treatment of sequelae of burns aims to improve the patient's health, restore function, bodybuilding and aesthetics, and contribute to improving the patient's quality of life.
4.1 Methods of treating sequelae after burns Using drugs: corticosteroids injected into the scars, antihistamines, methotrexate, penicillamine, colchicin, hirudoid, madecassol, ... applied topically.

Dùng thuốc bôi làm mờ vết sẹo bỏng
Dùng thuốc bôi làm mờ vết sẹo bỏng
Mechanical measures: force-generating bandages, compression bandages combined with silicone gel, immobilizers for extremities, neck,... Physical therapy: local cryotherapy, X-ray irradiation, ultrasound, electric pulse pain reliever in scars, using CO2 lasers, different types of color lasers,... Surgery: Helps restore anatomical structures, restore function and aesthetics, pay attention to the patient's psychological factors and the organization at the surgery site. art. Surgical methods to treat sequelae of burns include skin flap transfer, skin graft surgery, and tissue dilation. Currently, surgery is the method that plays a major role in the treatment of post-burn sequelae, especially traction scars. Usually after 6 months, the burn scar will be indicated for surgery. Before surgery, the doctor needs to make sure the scar is stable and there are no inflammatory cells left. Besides, with large and complicated burns, it is necessary to have appropriate long-term planning, phased surgery, step-by-step treatment, which can be combined with exercise therapy for patients to restore muscle function. mandarin.
4.2 Rehabilitation for burn patients The treating doctors will examine and define physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment plans for burn patients from admission to discharge. In addition, after discharge from the hospital, burn patients also need to exercise according to a certain program to combat the sequelae caused by burn scars.
Besides, the psychological treatment for burn patients should also be given due attention. After being discharged from the hospital, patients also often have confidence in their body, are afraid of contact, and have difficulty reintegrating into the community. At this time, the patient needs timely advice and help to remove communication barriers.

5. How to prevent burns

Burns of severe or mild degree leave many sequelae. Therefore, everyone needs to be proactive in preventing burns by following these guidelines:
Have a fire extinguisher at home and near cooking areas. Do not leave children and the elderly near areas prone to burns such as stoves, electrical panels,... Check hot water temperature when drinking, bathing, washing hands,... Wear gloves and masks when chemical use. Use sunscreen to protect the skin when going out, avoid burns by ultraviolet rays on hot days. The design of houses, schools, offices, etc. needs to have emergency exits to promptly escape when there is a fire incident.

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