Breast ultrasound - A method to screen for breast cancer

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Thi Le - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
Breast ultrasound is a very popular medical imaging method, especially for women. Ultrasound is the first indication in breast pathologies. However, many women still do not fully understand the important role of breast ultrasound in breast cancer screening.

1. What is a breast ultrasound?

Breast ultrasound is a technique that uses ultrasound waves to examine the mammary glands to reconstruct the image and structure of the mammary gland, helping to detect abnormalities in the morphology of the mammary glands.
Up to the present time, breast ultrasound is still considered a safe, simple, moderate cost, non-toxic method because it does not use radiation, is non-invasive, painless, and has fast results. Quick and easy to use for all ages from children to the elderly.
Therefore, breast ultrasound is widely used in the world in early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of mammary gland abnormalities, especially breast cancer.

2. Why is it important to screen for breast cancer?

Detecting the disease at an early stage is considered the key to successful treatment of breast cancer. Because by specific treatment measures such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and in combination with other advanced methods: hormonal therapy, biology (targeted treatment), breast cancer patients life can be saved. Stage 1 breast cancer usually has a high survival rate (over 5 years) of 80-90%.
To join hands in "Say no to breast cancer", Vinmec International General Hospital has developed a Breast Cancer Screening Package. You can refer and choose.

3. The role of breast ultrasound in breast cancer screening

Currently, there are 5 means of breast cancer screening including: self-examination, clinical examination, mammography, breast MRI and breast ultrasound. In which, breast ultrasound is considered as the first cancer screening method because of its superiority compared to other methods.
Breast self-examination
Breast self-examination does not reduce the incidence and mortality of breast cancer but is still recommended to encourage women to take care of their own health and be aware of the disease
Clinical examination
The method is for diagnosis only.
Mammography is a treatment method that reduces the mortality rate in women with breast cancer. But screening should only be done every 2 years in women over 50 years of age and need to check for radiation exposure, positivity, increased anxiety
Breast MRI
This method is not sensitive in detecting ductal cancers mammary glands.
Breast ultrasound
Breast ultrasound will help:
Increase the ability to detect breast cancer on dense breast tissue in Vietnamese and Asian women in general. Considered by all experts as the first method of breast cancer screening. Simple process. Fast time. Highly accurate results. Reasonable price compared to Vietnamese people.

4. Who should have breast ultrasound- breast cancer screening?

Today, due to the rejuvenation of breast cancer, breast cancer screening is recommended for all women over the age of 30, especially those at high risk such as:
Family (father or mother) someone has breast cancer. Mother or sister with breast cancer. The mother or sister has been identified with a mutation in the BRCA1/2 gene. People who have had breast disease.

5. Which ultrasound machine is capable of breast ultrasound- breast cancer screening?

The Invenia TM ABUS is a state-of-the-art 3D ultrasound system, the only one approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to aid in breast cancer screening and detection in patients with dense breast tissue.
Unlike some ultrasound machines that use 3D probes in breast examination, Invenia TM ABUS is a specialized equipment for 3D breast ultrasound examination. With high resolution images, the area of ​​the breast can detect very small lesions that 2D ultrasound can miss.
Vinmec Da Nang Hospital is honored to be one of the facilities that owns Invenia TM ABUS - the most modern ultrasound equipment in the world. Women can be assured of a system of modern equipment, a team of leading doctors, professional service, and reasonable prices when coming to Vinmec.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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