Breakfast for the stomach ache

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Proper and balanced nutrition is very important for overall health, especially for patients with stomach pain. Meals for people with stomach pain, especially breakfast, need adequate nutrients to support the treatment process. Therefore, it is very important to build a breakfast menu for people with stomach pain with foods that are good for the digestive system.

1. Why is breakfast good for people with stomach pain?

Every day, all the organs of the digestive system, including the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, ... have to contract and work continuously. After a sleep from night to morning, all the food has been digested, the stomach is completely empty, so you will feel hungry. Due to the consumption of almost all the energy obtained from food overnight, the stomach will now secrete gastric juice to prepare for the digestion of breakfast food. Therefore, a good breakfast for the stomach is very important for people with stomach pain and digestive system problems. A suitable breakfast will ensure to provide enough energy needed for daily activities, so that the body is always healthy and full of life.
When eating breakfast at the right time with carefully selected foods, it will actively prevent excess gastric acid, especially for people with stomach pain. On the contrary, if you skip meals or eat at the wrong time, the amount of gastric acid will stagnate in the stomach, damage the stomach lining and cause gastritis, peptic ulcer, even stomach ulcers. gastric perforation. Symptoms such as stomach pain, cramps, discomfort, bloating, gas, nausea and vomiting are also more severe.
Therefore, patients with stomach pain need to be careful when eating. Building a breakfast menu for people with stomach pain is very important and extremely necessary. People with stomach pain need to increase their intake of beneficial foods for the stomach and avoid harmful foods during the treatment period. Choosing food at every meal for people with stomach pain, especially breakfast, must always ensure an adequate and balanced supply of nutrients, while minimizing pressure on the digestive tract.

Lựa chọn thức ăn vào mỗi bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày trở nên vô cùng quan trọng
Lựa chọn thức ăn vào mỗi bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày trở nên vô cùng quan trọng

2. Principles of building breakfast menus for people with stomach pain

In order to limit mistakes in the process of preparing breakfast for people with stomach pain, some principles should be adhered to as follows:
Add more energy: After an 8-hour sleep, breakfast is supplies the energy needed for a new day. When the stomach is in pain, it will make the patient's digestive ability significantly impaired. Therefore, people with stomach pain need to pay attention to get enough energy to stay active and healthy. Eat cooked and drink boiled: People with stomach pain are at a very high risk of gastrointestinal infections. Therefore, every meal for people with stomach pain during the day (including breakfast) needs to be cooked to completely destroy pathogens in food (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites). ). Choose foods that are easy to digest: Patients with stomach pain should eat a lot of easily digestible foods such as fish, eggs, green vegetables, cereals, ... to limit pressure on the stomach, especially at different locations. injured mind. Not only that, this food group is also very rich in nutritional value, giving the digestive system as well as overall health a series of great benefits. Forming scientific eating habits: People with stomach pain should develop eating habits in a scientific way such as eating slowly and chewing thoroughly, not exercising vigorously or lying down when just finished eating and absolutely not skip breakfast. Abstain from certain harmful foods and drinks: People with stomach pain during treatment should not eat spicy, hot, spicy, sour dishes, canned foods as well as carbonated drinks. , alcohol. Such abstinence both supports effective treatment and contributes to preventing stomach pain from appearing suddenly.

3. Breakfast for the stomach ache

Soup, soup, porridge, eggs, bread, fresh milk, yogurt are the top dishes that are prioritized in the breakfast menu for people with stomach pain.
Soup: Soup is a delicious and attractive dish that is both easy to digest and ensures adequate supply of important nutrients. Therefore, soup is an ideal suggestion, which can be completely safe to include in meals for people with stomach pain. Soup and some other soft foods such as cereals or cooked oats help the stomach contract gently, more easily and do not irritate the mucosal areas that are inflamed. Soup: Eating a cup of soup every morning can reduce pressure on the stomach, promote the digestive system to work more easily, and aid in the absorption of nutrients from food. Not only that, the soup also helps to rehydrate and replenish mineral salts for the body, and also control the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea of ​​patients with stomach pain. Porridge: With its soft and smooth characteristics, porridge is a dish that is not only delicious but also nutritious and very easy to digest. Rice is the main ingredient of porridge, has the ability to create a thin coating that helps protect the stomach lining from the erosion of gastric acid, and at the same time prevents the progression of stomach ulcers. . Therefore, porridge is the perfect choice of breakfast for people with stomach pain, helping to minimize pressure on the stomach, limiting pain as well as vomiting symptoms caused by the disease.

Cháo là lựa chọn hoàn hảo của bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày
Cháo là lựa chọn hoàn hảo của bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày
Bread: Besides soup, soup and porridge, bread can help improve symptoms for people with stomach pain. The main ingredient of bread is starch, which will absorb excess acid in the gastric juice. As a result, stomach pains are less likely to occur. Starchy foods: Besides bread, stomach pain patients can add many other starchy foods such as rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, ... to the daily list of dishes. Consuming starchy foods in the morning helps the digestive system work efficiently and gently, while still providing the necessary energy for the body. Eggs: Eggs contain a lot of protein and are good for the stomach. Eggs served with bread is a convenient breakfast that brings abundant energy. With abundant and rich protein content, chicken eggs are foods that are both easy to digest and nutritious. Fresh milk: With ingredients containing a lot of protein, calcium, vitamins and iron, fresh milk is not only for overall health but also contributes to promoting the treatment of stomach pain. Drinking a glass of fresh milk every morning helps to heal ulcers and quickly heal damage in the stomach. However, it is necessary to have an easy-to-digest breakfast before drinking milk, because drinking fresh milk on an empty stomach can easily make stomach pain worse. Yogurt and probiotic-rich foods: Yogurt, cheese and probiotic-rich foods help soothe the stomach lining ulcer, quickly improve pain and shorten the healing process. Although it has a mild sour taste, yogurt is very good for the digestive system. The lactic acid component in yogurt contributes to improving stomach diseases, and inhibits the activity of many types of bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori. Vegetables and fruits contain less fiber: Vegetables and fruits are indispensable foods in the breakfast menu for people with stomach pain. However, patients should note that they should not eat fruits and vegetables that contain too much fiber because it will cause the stomach to contract harder, increasing pressure on the digestive system. Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals but low in fiber are used to reduce symptoms of stomach pain, indigestion and promote digestion.

4. Foods to avoid in breakfast for people with stomach pain

Sữa tươi được ưu tiên xếp vào thực đơn bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày
Sữa tươi được ưu tiên xếp vào thực đơn bữa sáng cho người đau dạ dày

Besides adding foods that are good for the digestive system in meals for people with stomach pain, there are harmful foods and drinks that should be avoided such as:
Spicy spices such as chili, pepper , garlic; Sour spices such as lemon, vinegar will stimulate the stomach lining to produce more acid, causing indigestion, bloating, heartburn, heartburn and more stomach pain. Hard foods such as cartilage, tendons, old fibrous vegetables will cause rubbing of the stomach lining. Raw food, cold. Flavorful foods such as salted fish, salted meat, grilled and roasted meats, and greasy foods such as fried, fried or sautéed cause the stomach to contract more, making it harder to digest food. Canned dishes such as sausages, sausages, cold cuts, hams, fish gravies and sauces. Confectionery, chocolate, sweets will cause the stomach to secrete more gastric acid and contract excessively. This is the cause of sudden outbreaks of stomach pain. Cucumber, garlic vinegar, salted onions, kimchi containing many sour and spicy spices should never be present in breakfast for people with stomach pain because they increase the concentration of acid inside the gastric juice, causing irritation to the stomach lining. , leading to symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, gastritis even peptic ulcer. Fruits such as orange, lemon, guava, pineapple, toad, green papaya will increase acid secretion in the stomach. Lemon juice can cause diarrhea in people with stomach upset or intestinal disease. Acidic orange juice can upset the digestive tract and irritate sensitive nerves, the stomach and intestines contain a lot of acid that can cause abdominal pain. Tomatoes have a strong acidity that stimulates the stomach to produce more gastric juice, increasing the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, eating a lot of tomatoes can cause heartburn, stomach bloating and gastritis. Condensed tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks and alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration, increase acidity, irritate damaged gastric mucosa and prolong treatment time. Therefore, to protect health as well as help stomach pain quickly heal, it is absolutely advisable to drink solid tea, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol during treatment. In short, a good breakfast for the stomach is very important for people with digestive problems. A suitable breakfast will ensure to provide enough energy needed for daily activities, so that the body is always healthy and full of life.

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