Beware of myositis bite in the maxillofacial region

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Maxillofacial myositis is a common type of facial soft tissue infection. Myositis alone is not a dangerous disease, but if not treated appropriately, myositis can progress to many other complications such as bite muscle abscess, inflammation of the maxillofacial region or sepsis. .

1. What is myositis?

Myositis is another common inflammation of the maxillofacial region along with facial muscle inflammation or angle inflammation. Bite myositis, if not treated properly and promptly, can lead to many complications such as bite muscle abscess, submandibular abscess, maxillofacial cellulitis, and bacteremia.

2. Causes of bite muscle inflammation

Myositis can be caused by many different causes, but it is often divided into 2 large groups, including odontogenic and non-odontogenic causes. The group of causes related to dental disease accounts for the majority of cases, including: untreated gingivitis, untreated periodontitis, misaligned wisdom teeth, infection after tooth extraction. Myositis can also be caused by a number of other causes including trauma and infection of the surrounding area.

3. Signs to recognize bite muscle inflammation

Bệnh nhân bị viêm cơ cắn thường dễ nhận biết với các triệu chứng tại chỗ như: Sưng đau vùng góc hàm, da vùng sưng nề nóng đỏ hoặc tím nề
Bệnh nhân bị viêm cơ cắn thường dễ nhận biết với các triệu chứng tại chỗ như: Sưng đau vùng góc hàm, da vùng sưng nề nóng đỏ hoặc tím nề
Patients with bite muscle inflammation are often easily recognized with local symptoms such as: Painful swelling in the corner of the jaw, red hot or purple skin in the area. In the event that myositis progresses to a occlusal abscess or submandibular abscess, the red, swollen skin may spread to the submandibular and parotid regions, losing the natural facial grooves.
When an abscess forms in a shallow location under the skin, the examiner can detect waveforms. Examination of the inside of the mouth can detect the corresponding mucosal area of ​​the bite muscle, congested, edematous, spreading along the ascending branch of the lower jaw bone, bad breath, sometimes can observe abnormalities around the teeth. bite muscle inflammation. Systemic clinical signs such as high fever and tachycardia may be seen in patients with occlusal abscess or submandibular abscess.
Laboratory facilities have a role to help diagnose the cause of myositis. Routine maxillofacial radiographs allow the detection of etiological tooth-related lesions. CT scan gives more detailed images, as well as helps to evaluate the boundaries of the inflammatory area. Myositis needs to be differentiated from other diseases such as parotid gland inflammation, jaw angle inflammation, cheek abscess.

4. Measures to treat myositis bite

Principles of treatment of myositis include supportive treatment to help relieve symptoms of inflammation and treatment to address the cause.
Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain relievers are the drug groups that are often preferred in clinical practice. Patients need to eat nutritious food, improve their general condition to speed up the recovery process.
If myositis progresses more severely to a bite muscle abscess, an incision should be made to drain the pus through the oral mucosa or the skin of the face. The most commonly chosen site for drainage incision is the longitudinal line in the submandibular region. The patient was anaesthetized, skin incision was made and layers were removed until the abscess was removed, then irrigated to make incision for inflammatory fluid, pus, and placed a drainage tube.
Treatment of the cause varies on a case-by-case basis. Usually the tooth that causes inflammation will be extracted as a way to thoroughly treat and limit the recurrence of myositis caused by teeth in the following times.

Thuốc kháng sinh, giảm viêm giảm đau là những nhóm thuốc thường được ưu tiên lựa chọn trên lâm sàng
Thuốc kháng sinh, giảm viêm giảm đau là những nhóm thuốc thường được ưu tiên lựa chọn trên lâm sàng

5. Prophylaxis and prognosis of myositis

Inflammation of the bite muscle in general is often caused by oral diseases. If myositis is not detected and treated thoroughly, the disease can progress to more serious complications such as bite muscle abscess, cellulitis, facial swelling, sepsis or septic shock, can be life-threatening. Therefore, the patient should not be subjective in the presence of myositis. Periodic dental check-ups should be scheduled to promptly detect cavities or periodontitis lesions before they can cause other complications.

Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat graduated with a master's degree in Odonto-Stomatology at Hanoi Medical University. Dr. Dat has strengths in: performing wisdom tooth extraction procedures, root canal treatment, tartar removal, gentle tooth filling, minimal trauma, helping patients to minimize pain; Design and make beautiful porcelain teeth. Currently, dentist Dat is working at the Department of Odonto-Stomatology, Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
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