Be calm if kids are just doing what they like

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The article was consulted with Dr. Le Thu Phuong - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Toddlers are a very cute and mischievous age, they can even perform odd behaviors naturally, making parents uncontrollable. During this period, children have begun to become more independent and want to explore the world around them. This is also the time when parents should learn and direct their children to better things.

1. Social-emotional development in toddlers

Most of the children in the toddler stage often do "antics" that adults cannot control. Because, at this time, children begin to develop gradually emotionally and cognitively, such as spitting food when they don't like it or scratching when feeling angry about a certain issue. Some other young children have strange expressions such as picking their nose, putting food on their hair, and even suddenly screaming even in crowded places.
For toddlers, the right side of the brain will be more active, controlling emotions, as well as impulsive emotions and nonverbal actions in children. In contrast, the child's left brain serves as the impulse control center.
Normally, when we are in a sad state, the left brain gives way to strong emotions rising in the other half of the brain. At this time, we will find it difficult to control our emotions, become less patient and think less logically than before.
Therefore, crazy behaviors are easy to arise in this case. It's the same for toddlers, they'll start showing these behaviors when they're upset, even behaving like a goddamn little dinosaur.

2. Explore your child's behaviors

Children don't seem to feel embarrassed when performing certain body-related behaviors, such as picking their noses or looking at them, says Rahil Briggs, a psychologist at Children's Hospital in Montefiore, New York. genitals.
Even when adults try to remind children not to pick their nose, this actually makes children feel curious and arouse a strong desire to explore.
Toddlers only like things that can get their attention. At this stage, they don't really care too much, unless it's an act of love or looks funny.

Hầu hết mọi đứa trẻ đang trong giai đoạn mới biết đi thường làm những “trò hề” mà người lớn không thể kiểm soát được
Hầu hết mọi đứa trẻ đang trong giai đoạn mới biết đi thường làm những “trò hề” mà người lớn không thể kiểm soát được

3. Help children become more aware of their bodies

A controversial topic in parental discussions revolves around helping children become more aware of their bodies. Toddlers are at a standard stage of development both physically and mentally.
Therefore, it is extremely important to help children discover and understand more about the body. However, the level of discovery should only be moderate, and the ultimate goal is to let your child know what is his private part. Furthermore, if children want to touch this "top secret" area, they should do so during the appropriate time dedicated to them.
Besides, parents should also explain to their children the difference between “good touch” and “bad touch”. Who can touch a child's privacy and when is it appropriate? For example, take a shower or go to the hospital.
Children at this age are often attracted to concepts of "same and different" in gender. If your child is touching or holding hands with other children, stay calm and explain to them that they shouldn't touch other people's private parts, just like they shouldn't allow others to touch their private parts. me.

4. Unlock the mysteries of toddler behavior

Toddlers are like young scientists, researchers say, because they want to explore and try things firsthand. Children often want to interact, touch, touch, feel, taste, smell, see, and experiment with the properties of objects. This is also how children are observing and learning about the world around them.
Young children can get caught between this overwhelmingly exciting and exhilarating feeling of independence. Children want to walk, feed themselves, dress themselves, be able to talk and be in control of their own world. However, they may feel stressed or confused when thinking about whether they can be independent or just mom's little "angel".
When the child is 4 years old, parents should educate their children in a more civilized way, such as teaching them to say thank you or polite requests to others, to share toys and to control their conduct in a proper manner.

5. Some ways to help deal with your child's behavior

Bạn không nên quát mắng hay tỏ ra quá gay gắt khi con xử xự không như bạn mong muốn
Bạn không nên quát mắng hay tỏ ra quá gay gắt khi con xử xự không như bạn mong muốn
When parents see their child acting strange or inappropriate, parents can apply the following simple coping strategies:
Lower your voice: you should not yell or be too harsh when your child behaves. is not what you want, such as being disruptive, fussy, or disobedient. In this case, you should understand the child's thoughts with empathy and understanding. If your child says a word that has a negative or vulgar meaning, you should speak in a more severe tone and ask your child to repeat another word. Find a more optimal solution: when children engage in unhealthy behaviors, parents can find appropriate measures to limit or prevent children from doing so. For example, you can fasten diapers if your child wants to tear them off. Encourage when children do well: parents should recognize the good points of children and encourage them to continue to improve. In addition, you should spend a lot of time with your children to understand and help them towards good things, as well as improve themselves. However, children in the developmental stage are also very susceptible to respiratory problems, respiratory infections, skin diseases and gastrointestinal infections... parents need to pay special attention to the care and provision of adequate nutrition for children. For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Parents should supplement their children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their child's nutritional needs. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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