Baby refuses to wear a medical mask, what to do?

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With the current situation of acute respiratory infections caused by the new coronavirus and polluted climate, parents should actively let their children wear masks. However, this is not easy because some children will not wear a mask, so parents should practice it slowly.

1. Why should you wear a mask for your baby?

Environmental pollution, especially air pollution, is getting more and more attention from the public. Because it directly affects human health. When the amount of dust in the air is high, fine and ultra-fine dust particles can attack the body, causing ear, nose and throat diseases, especially in children.
Besides, currently, the new acute respiratory infection caused by corona virus causing symptoms of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, ... is a top concern globally.
Therefore, it is very necessary to wear a mask and practice for children to wear masks when going out and going to public and crowded places.
So how many months should your baby wear a mask? Most children have been able to wear masks, for newborns, parents may not necessarily let them wear masks, but instead, should carefully cover children, can use different types of masks. chiffon, curtain fabric to protect the baby.

2. What to do if the child refuses to wear a mask?

To prevent the spread of corona virus and air pollution, many health experts recommend that children and adults wear regular medical masks or cloth masks; Avoid large gatherings and wash your hands often.

Tránh tụ tập đông người, đeo khẩu trang đúng cách
Tránh tụ tập đông người, đeo khẩu trang đúng cách
However, for adults, wearing a mask will be easy, but for children it is a bit difficult, because some children refuse to wear a mask because every time they put it on, they will find it entangled and uncomfortable, so they should pull it out immediately. . Therefore, wearing medical masks for babies as well as other types of masks is a "headache" for parents.
Here are some ways that can help your child form the habit of wearing a mask when going out:
Cultivate good habits for children from an early age, because then they will be more obedient. Explain to your child that you must wear a mask to play outside. Parents must wear masks every time they go out to set an example for their children to follow. Choose a mask with many colors and animal images for your baby to like, you should take your baby and let him choose for himself. Regularly teach your children to be aware of the harms and dangers that smoke, dust, viruses, etc. cause. From there, the children will be more conscious to take care of their own health.

3. How to choose and wear the right mask for your baby

Choose cloth masks or medical masks for babies that must fit the baby's face; Cover the nose and mouth so that the carrier cannot breathe in germs from the outside and also do not let the germs fly out. When wearing a medical mask for a baby, it is important to pay attention to place the edge with a lead stick above the bridge of the nose. Squeeze the lead with your hands so that it fits snugly against the bridge of your nose; tighten the strap just enough; Wear the blue face outside, the white side inside. When the mask turns yellow or dirty, it must be changed immediately. Normal medical masks should only be used once. In addition to wearing masks, children need to be instructed to wash their hands often and properly. This will help the baby to prevent disease very effectively.

Hướng dẫn bé rửa tay thường xuyên
Hướng dẫn bé rửa tay thường xuyên

In addition to asking children to wash their hands, caregivers also need to wash their hands often; limit the baby's contact with crowded places, do not kiss the baby; Regularly clean all items your baby touches. Currently, Vinmec is one of the few hospitals with a full range of pediatric specialties, able to perform general examinations in conjunction with a nutritionist to help build a baby menu, neurological examination, mental problems, reflexes. In particular, Vinmec has strengths in physical examination with the cooperation of the rehabilitation center for children with autism - cerebral palsy.
If you have a need for medical examination with experienced pediatricians at Vinmec, please book an appointment on the website to be served.
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