At what age does the penis begin to grow and stop growing?

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The penis is an important male sex organ. For men, penis size is a symbol of strength, masculinity and sexual ability. This size can be improved during the time when the penis is at its strongest.

1. At what age does the penis begin to grow and stop growing?

Penis begins to develop between the ages of 10 and 14 under the influence of growth hormone. You need to adapt to these changes in order to enter adulthood. The penis will stop growing at the age of 16-21 when the size is standard.
The penis has just changed in size and function. In terms of size, the penis will grow in order from length to width. The penis only thrives for a while, then stops and then grows again. The testicles will gradually increase in size, pubic hair will begin to grow. In terms of function, the penis initiates an erection in response to sexual stimuli.
The penis can continue to grow for 1 - 2 years after the height growth stops, or 4-6 years after the testes have fully developed. In general, penis size will reach the standard level at 18-21 years of age.
The size of the penis does not depend on the early or late onset of development. It depends more on the amount of hormones secreted during puberty.

2. What is the normal size of the penis?

Men's penis size is varied under the influence of sex hormones, specifically:
The average length of a "soft" penis is from 3.4 - 3.7 inches The average length of an erect penis erection is between 5.1 - 5.7 inches The average circumference of an erect penis is between 3.5 - 3.9 inches In fact, condoms are roughly the size of the penis, most suitable for erect penis.

Kích thước bình thường của dương vật là bao nhiêu?
Kích thước bình thường của dương vật là bao nhiêu?

3. Is small penis size a health problem?

You should not be self-conscious about your penis size because they basically do not cause any psycho-physiological and sexual problems, specifically:
3.1 Erection Penis size at " flaccid" does not reflect the size of the penis during erection. In many cases, the penis in a relatively small "soft" state can become quite large when erect.
3.2 Pleasure Penis size doesn't really have a big effect on two people's pleasure during sex. The most important thing is still the feeling of "longing for each other" of both.
3.3 Links between penis size and other body parts A man's penis size does not correlate with the size or growth of other body parts, such as hands and feet. , facial hair or baldness. There are therefore no obvious external markers that can be used to judge penis size.
If puberty is delayed or you are worried that your penis is abnormally small, you can visit your doctor for advice and find out the health problems (if any). You need to be honest and not shy about giving information to your doctor in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment.

4. What can you do to increase penis size?

Topical, herbal medicines are marketed that have not been proven to increase the size of the penis. Here are some treatments for the penis and related health problems:
4.1 Surgery Plastic surgery helps to increase the length of the penis by cutting the ligaments that attach the penis to the pubic bone. This procedure may decrease your ability to have an erection.
4.2 Vacuum pump Vacuum pump can improve erectile dysfunction to achieve desired erection but does not increase the length and thickness of the penis.
4.3 Testosterone Supplement Many people believe that testosterone supplements can promote penis enlargement. However, there are many testosterone supplements on the market, but the quality recognition is limited. It is best to see a doctor to get advice to choose a safe product.

Bổ sung testosterone có thể thúc đẩy tăng kích thước dương vật
Bổ sung testosterone có thể thúc đẩy tăng kích thước dương vật

5. Pathology affecting penis size

The ability to grow the size of the penis is affected by small penis syndrome (micropenis). The disease occurs in children whose penis size is below normal. That is, when your baby's penis size is less than 1.1 inches in length (average size 1.1 - 1.6 inches) and less than 0.35 inches in circumference (average circumference 0. 35 - 0.5 inches).
Micropenis occurs due to endocrine disorders, these disorders affect the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, thereby inhibiting penile growth. Parents of children with small penis syndrome need to take their children to medical facilities for timely examination and treatment, to avoid affecting their sexual function later.

6. How does the penis change in old age?

Dương vật thay đổi thế nào khi về già?
Dương vật thay đổi thế nào khi về già?
Along with the aging process of the body, the function and size of the penis also decrease, specifically:
6.1 Pubic hair Like hair that grows on other parts of the body, pubic hair will gradually thin and possibly turns gray.
6.2 Penis size Penis size varies. You can feel it shrinking over time. In particular, for those who have a lot of fat on the pubic bone (just above the penis), with age when this area sags, the size of the penis will appear smaller.
6.3 Penis Shape As you get older, you are more likely to develop curvature of the penis (Peyronie), a disease caused by physical trauma, often because the shaft of the penis gradually curves over time with sex. It affects only a small number of men and affects the length, diameter and function of the penis.
6.4 Testicles Testicles have the function of making sperm, When testosterone levels are reduced, the amount of sperm produced will also be less, making the testicles shrink. The size of the testicles will continue to get smaller with hormone replacement therapy. Because then, the pituitary gland will stop sending signals to the testes to make testosterone.
6.5 Scrotum The job of the scrotum is to manage testicular temperature. The scrotum is lined with a smooth muscle mass that pulls the testicles close to the body to keep them warm, or relaxes them to cool. As you age, these muscles no longer work as efficiently. From there, the heat imbalance, affecting the elasticity of the skin, makes the sagging worse.
6.6 Hydrocele Hydrocele affects the penis, specifically the sagging of the scrotum after the age of 40. It occurs when fluid accumulates in one or both testicles. Usually it does not cause pain. If you feel swelling or discomfort, you should see your doctor for a checkup.
6.7 Penile Function As you age, the nerves in the penis become less sensitive causing trouble with stimulation and orgasm. Along with lower testosterone levels, you are more prone to erectile dysfunction. The degree of erection is reduced but not your ability to have intercourse. The biggest cause of erectile dysfunction is the inability of the penis to hold blood. You may feel an erection but it will only last for a short time. Changes in the sex organs are a normal part of the aging process. You should talk to your doctor if age-related changes are affecting your life and relationships.
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