Arouse sexual desire

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Sex is always a concern when people enter married life. There are many ways to achieve lasting pleasure, but the most important thing you need to know is that you must create a feeling of sexual desire and stimulation for your partner to achieve your desire.

1. The difference between "arousal" and "desire"

Lust refers to the feeling of wanting to have sex, while arousal refers to the physiological changes from the initiation to the end of sexual intercourse.
Sexual desire disorder is related to a lack of interest in sex, while arousal disorder is related to having sexual desire but the body does not reach a state of excitement.
Just because people are sexually aroused doesn't mean they want sex, nor does it mean they will agree to have sex. Therefore, if you are not sure if your partner has sexual desire or not, then you should ask questions when it comes to sexual desire.

2. What is the difference between female and male sexual arousal?

The sexual arousal response between the sexes has a few similarities. When arousal occurs, the genitals become erect. In females, it is the clitoris, vulva and penis in males. This is because blood flow to the genitals increases when there is arousal. Increased blood flow can also cause flushed cheeks and chest.
Besides, they also have different points, typically the brain's response. In 2012, researchers concluded that men's amygdala and hypothalamus responses to sexual arousal were stronger than women's when they observed brain changes on MRI images while watching pornographic videos. erotic .

Kích thích tình dục ở nữ và nam có nhiều điểm khác biệt
Kích thích tình dục ở nữ và nam có nhiều điểm khác biệt

3. How to increase the feeling of excitement during sex

Initiation To increase sexual desire, both partners should prolong foreplay by stimulating the sensitive area such as touching, kissing your partner's nipples long before deep intercourse.
Make a Plan Sexual planning helps both of you proactively arrange time together. It happens when both people feel lacking and want to get back to feeling close. It sounds simple, but this is an effective solution.
Location You can regain desire by changing the sex location. In order to change, both of you need to make sure you want to renew and are ready to consider different ways of being in a relationship.
Solve health problems For some men, an obstacle to sexual performance can be low sex hormone (testosterone) or erectile dysfunction. For women, the explanation for low sex drive is more complicated, possibly due to low testosterone levels, or sexual dysfunction.
You should consult your doctor about options such as hormonal treatments, medications such as pills or topical gels that increase blood flow to the genitals, or devices that enhance sexual desire.

Khám phụ khoa nhằm điều trị các vấn đề sức khỏe giúp tăng cường ham muốn tình dục.
Khám phụ khoa nhằm điều trị các vấn đề sức khỏe giúp tăng cường ham muốn tình dục.

4. Prescription aphrodisiac in women

Addyi In 2015, the FDA approved the use of the prescription drug for female sexual dysfunction flibanserin (Addyi). This is a Viagra-like drug that is taken every day. The drug has the potential to cause a number of side effects including:
Recommendation: You must not take it with alcohol and interact with many other drugs, supplements, even grapefruit juice.
Vyleesi In 2019, the FDA approved the injection of brasheranotide (Vyleesi) to be used when absolutely needed. Potential side effects of Vyleesi include:
Severe nausea Vomiting Facial flushing Injection site reactions Headache

Buồn nôn và nôn là tác dụng phụ tiềm tàng của Vyleesi
Buồn nôn và nôn là tác dụng phụ tiềm tàng của Vyleesi

You should go to the doctor to listen to the doctor's advice on relevant factors such as medical history, medications you are taking, and evaluate the level of sexual impediment before using the drug. While on medication, you need to follow your doctor's advice and do not take any additional medications, even over-the-counter medicines, without prior approval.

5. Female sexual arousal disorder - Causes of decreased libido

Sexual arousal disorder is the feeling of wanting to have sex but not being excited during sex. The disease is more common in women.

5.1 Signs

Symptoms of female sexual arousal disorder include:
Little interest in sex and masturbation Rarely associated with sexual activities Difficulty enjoying the full sensation of sexual intercourse Sex Difficulty feeling pleasure when the genitals are stimulated

5.2 Diagnosis

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will learn about the symptoms and the underlying cause. It could be a physical problem (health condition or medication) or an emotional problem (history of sexual abuse, mental health condition).
In addition, the doctor may also order blood tests, pelvic exams to find the cause of the disease. Sometimes, there is no obvious cause for arousal disorder in women.

Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán rối loạn kích thích tình dục nữ
Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán rối loạn kích thích tình dục nữ

5.3 Treatment

The treatment of female sexual arousal disorder depends on the cause, specifically:
Drugs: If the cause is from drugs, the doctor will reduce the dose of the drug or replace it by using another drug. Low estrogen levels: Low estrogen levels often occur in women who are going through perimenopause or menopause. In this case, the doctor will prescribe medication according to hormone therapy. Emotions: If the cause is emotional, it's best to see a therapist for sexual health advice. They can help with mental health care and deal with past trauma.

6. Other factors affecting female sexual arousal

Hormonal changes Menopause, pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth and breastfeeding all cause major hormonal changes that affect sexual arousal. It usually bounces back over time. If you have a persistent problem or psychological distress that cannot be resolved, you should talk to your doctor or therapist. In the case of menopause, your doctor may prescribe estrogen therapy if you have a low sex drive.
Thyroid disorders Thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroidism , hypothyroidism , Hashimoto's thyroiditis and goiter can affect sex drive .
A study of 104 women with thyroid disease showed that female sexual dysfunction was higher in women with thyroid disease (46.1%) than in women without thyroid disease (20, 7%).
Another study on the link between sexual dysfunction and depression found that hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis can cause both depression and sexual dysfunction.
To improve sexual function, you should control your thyroid disease by taking medication as directed by your doctor and making lifestyle changes.

Các rối loạn tuyến giáp có thể ảnh hưởng đến ham muốn tình dục
Các rối loạn tuyến giáp có thể ảnh hưởng đến ham muốn tình dục

Mental health disorders Mood disorders can cause decreased sex drive. According to a 2009 article published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, about 40% of women with sexual dysfunction also experience depression. The researchers also estimated that 3.7% of the women suffered from depression and difficulty with sex drive.
Other mental trauma also causes sexual dysfunction. A 2015 study found that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sexual dysfunction are related and that PTSD treatments should take into account improving sexual function.
Diabetes Diabetes can cause sexual dysfunction in women. In 2013, research showed that women with diabetes were more likely to develop sexual dysfunction than those without diabetes. However, the link between the two subjects is still not well understood.

Bệnh tiểu đường có thể gây rối loạn tình dục ở phụ nữ
Bệnh tiểu đường có thể gây rối loạn tình dục ở phụ nữ

7. When to see a doctor?

If you think you are experiencing sexual dysfunction, you should seek help from a doctor or therapist, especially if the condition affects your family well-being and relationships. relationship. Remember, sexual dysfunction is completely treatable.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been and continues to deploy packages of examination and counseling on sexual function. If your husband and wife's "sexuality" is not as desired, you can seek advice from specialized doctors and psychologists. From there, there is an improved direction to make married and sexual life more fulfilling.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health System nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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