Are X-rays harmful to health?

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The article is professionally consulted by Dr., Doctor Tran Nhu Tu - Head of Diagnostic Imaging Department - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.

X-ray is a widely used method in diagnostic imaging. The benefits it brings are undeniable. However, the issue that is of great interest to many people today is whether X-rays have any effect on health?

1. Should regular X-rays be taken?

X-ray is a method used in the diagnosis of diseases such as pneumonia, arthritis, fractures, diseases related to cardiovascular, neurological, digestive, musculoskeletal... This method does not It is suitable for evaluation of soft tissues such as the liver because the images recorded are not clear.
The genitals, bone marrow, thyroid gland and skin are the most affected parts when taking X-rays. If overused, X-rays will cause negative effects on your health. The short-term continuous X-ray can cause skin burns, hair loss and possibly death, this condition if prolonged you can lead to cancer and a number of other serious diseases.
X-rays will not be harmful to health if you know the reasonable interval of taking about 5-7 times/year. If you take X-rays twice a week, you must be prescribed by a doctor in case it is really necessary, do not arbitrarily take X-rays or abuse them.
For patients who are seriously ill and require many scans, modern equipment should be used to minimize and prevent the side effects of X-rays.

Chụp X quang sẽ không gây hại cho sức khỏe nếu như biết cách quãng thời gian chụp hợp lý
Chụp X quang sẽ không gây hại cho sức khỏe nếu như biết cách quãng thời gian chụp hợp lý

2. What are the health effects of X-rays?

X-rays emitted from the X-ray machine can easily penetrate soft tissues and body fluids easily. X-rays have harmful effects on the body.
X-ray taking too much and accompanied by strong intensity will harm the human body, damage organs in the body, affect physiological functions and may cause death.
Currently, the Ministry of Health has set safety standards in performing X-ray techniques. X-rays need to be conducted in safe conditions, with standard imaging rooms and equipment, otherwise it will negatively affect human health. Besides, the team of technicians performing X-rays also need to be professionally trained, otherwise it will be dangerous for the patient.

3. Should pregnant women have X-rays?

Phụ nữ có thai không nên chụp X quang, trừ khi bắt buộc
Phụ nữ có thai không nên chụp X quang, trừ khi bắt buộc

If absolutely necessary, pregnant women must still have X-rays to diagnose health problems. X-ray is a radioactive ray, after passing through the body, it will have an adverse reaction to the fetus. If X-ray is taken too much and with strong intensity, it will cause damage to organs in the body, even endangering both mother and baby.
After taking X-ray, the machine will tell you how much radiation dose to mother and fetus so that mothers are not too worried. The risk of the fetus being exposed to radiation is very low. When you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you must tell your doctor in advance so that the doctor will note the maximum dose of radiation to avoid causing birth defects in the baby.
Is there any effect on X-rays for children? For young children, X-rays should be considered and limited, and, if possible, substituted with a less invasive method.
Currently, X-ray is widely used to examine diseases. X-rays are only taken when prescribed by a specialist, patients should go to reputable medical facilities to ensure that the X-ray technique is safe and qualified to avoid complications. negative impact on human health.

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