Are uterine fibroids dangerous?

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Uterine fibroids are common benign tumors in women. Although this is a benign tumor, many people are still worried that fibroids are dangerous? So what are uterine fibroids and what signs help us recognize them?

1. What is uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are a common benign tumor that usually occurs on or in the muscular wall of the uterus. Fibroids are formed by a smooth muscle cell dividing many times, forming a stable mass separate from the uterine wall, the size of uterine fibroids ranges from 1mm to 20mm.
Uterine fibroids are classified based on the location of fibroid masses, including:
Subserosal fibroids Submucosal fibroids Interstitial fibroids Interstitial fibroids in isthmus Fibroids Cervical fibroids. Currently, there are no medical studies that indicate the main cause of uterine fibroids, scientists believe that endocrine disorders, specifically an increase in the hormone estrogen, are the main cause of this disease. . In addition, some of the following factors also increase the risk of uterine fibroids:
Women of reproductive age Certain medical conditions lead to abnormal levels of estrogen In the family there are fibroids Some factors are related to an unscientific diet such as eating a lot of red meat, eating less vegetables and fruits, drinking a lot of alcohol, not getting enough vitamin D...

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Sự tăng cường hormone estrogen là nguyên nhân chính gây ra nhân xơ tử cung

2. Signs to recognize uterine fibroids

Depending on factors such as the size of the uterine fibroids, the degree of sclerosis of the fibroids, the pathological manifestations of each patient are different. Here are some typical signs of this disease:
Menstrual disorders: Irregular menstrual periods, may experience menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea. Pain and heaviness in the abdomen: The tumor grows large leading to pain and heaviness in the abdomen Back pain: Due to the tumor pressing on the lumbar nerves, the patient often feels back pain, back pain, the pain may spreading to the legs or causing numbness in the buttocks and thighs. Frequent urination: Due to the tumor pressing on the bladder, leading to frequent urination, frequent urination... To know how many times to urinate at night is normal, you can refer to the article professionally consulted by a Master. , Doctor Vo Thien Ngon: “How many times is it normal to urinate at night? ”

3. Are uterine fibroids dangerous?

Although uterine fibroids are benign tumors, if not detected and treated early, they are likely to develop in a bad direction and cause dangerous complications for the patient. The following are some possible complications in people with uterine fibroids:
3.1 Anemia The condition of menorrhagia or hypermenorrhoea will cause the patient to lose a large amount of blood in a short time, especially hypermenorrhoea. This will cause the patient to experience anemia-related disorders such as dizziness, blood loss to the brain in time, more severe conditions will cause water-electrolyte disturbances, causing heart failure if not treated promptly. .

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Cường kinh, rong kinh khiến người bệnh mất một lượng máu lớn trong thời gian ngắn

3.2 Torsion of subperitoneal tumor Tumors with long stalks will twist together causing symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fainting. This complication needs urgent medical attention and surgery, otherwise it will threaten the patient's life.
3.3 Tumor infection If the tumor is infected, it will lead to inflammation of the lining of the uterus, inflammation of the fallopian tubes ... Manifestations of tumor infection include high fever, purulent, smelly discharge unpleasant odor and pelvic pain.
3.4 Infertility or infertility Due to hormonal disorders that affect ovulation, in addition, too large tumors will occupy most of the area of ​​​​the uterus or they may be located in the isthmus of the uterus. to restrict sperm movement. Especially dangerous is the situation where the egg and sperm have been fertilized, but because of the large tumor, it makes it difficult for the fetus to attach to the uterine wall.
3.5 Cancer Although fibroids are benign tumors, a small number of these tumors can turn cancerous.

4. How to treat uterine fibroids?

Although uterine fibroids are benign tumors, they also have certain dangers if not treated early. Right from the time of discovery, you should coordinate with your doctor for definitive treatment, to avoid possible bad conditions. Currently, both Eastern and Western medicine have certain methods to treat uterine fibroids:

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4.1 Treatment according to Western medicine methods There are two methods of treatment that are using drugs that inhibit the growth of fibroids, but if the drugs are stopped, they will grow at a very fast rate. In addition, some of the side effects of the drug also affect the patient's body quite a lot, so these drugs are usually prescribed by doctors for about 3-6 months. If the fibroids are too large, the doctor will recommend surgery.
However, this method only removes the fibroid mass, the risk of disease recurrence is quite high. In addition, nowadays with the development of medicine, there are many less invasive methods of removing fibroids that are chosen by many patients such as using focused ultrasound, destroying fibroids, removing the endometrium, removing the endometrium. Aorta...
4.2 Treatment according to Oriental medicine Methods Using medicines containing herbs that have an effect on tumors, balance hormones to eliminate the cause of tumors. However, before use, it is necessary to obtain the consent of a qualified doctor.
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