Application of radioisotopes in the treatment of diseases

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Radioisotope is a fairly familiar and common name in the field of nuclear medicine, it is widely applied for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. Depending on different diseases, radioisotopes become an effective, simple, safe and superior treatment method compared to other treatment methods.

1. What is radioactive copper?

At the end of the 18th century, the female scientist Marie Curie discovered the element Radium-226 (226Ra), shortly after that radioactive isotope was used in the treatment of diseases. And also starting from here it became the milestone that paved the way for the birth of the field of radiation oncology and radiobiology.
The basis of the application of radioisotopes in treatment is the biological effect of ionizing radiation on living organisms. When biological organizations in the body are irradiated, through direct or indirect mechanisms of action, these radiation rays will cause ionization.
In a word, irradiated ionizing radiation sources will be used for the purpose of destroying cells and pathological organizations based on the principle of avoiding maximum damage to healthy tissues and organs in order to ensure the normal functioning of the body. Today, with the strong development of modern medicine, radioisotopes are increasingly widely used in the treatment of diseases. However, because the effect of radiation on healthy tissue is greater, compared with diagnosis, treatment will require large doses. Therefore, this becomes one of the difficulties and limitations of radiation treatment.
Methods of application of radioisotopes in treatment with ionizing radiation (Radiotherapy):
Metabolic Therapy; Brachytherapy; External radiation therapy (Teletherapy).

Ứng dụng của đồng vị phóng xạ trong điều trị bệnh
Ứng dụng của đồng vị phóng xạ trong điều trị bệnh

2. Application of radioisotopes in disease treatment

2.1. Applications of radioisotopes in the treatment of pleural effusion Studies have shown that approximately 50% of pleural effusions are due to cancer. Any type of cancer has the ability to metastasize to the pleura, but the most common are lung cancer and breast cancer. By radioactive capture of 99mTc-diphosphonate, cancerous pleural effusion can be diagnosed by scintigraphy.
3 types of radiopharmaceuticals commonly used to treat pleural effusion:
198Au-glue; 32P-chromic phosphate; 90Y-chloride. Our body has 3 serosal membranes born from the dermis, including: pericardium (pericardium), peritoneum (peritoneum) and pleura (pleura). These serosa membranes will usually have 2 layers, the connective tissue layer and the mesothelium layer.
The mesothelium is where tumor cells, antibodies and radioactive glues can all attach. Not only that, mesothelium also contains microcapillaries that increase its area and increase its ability to secrete fluid.
Therefore, to reduce fluid formation by mesothelium, doctors use beta rays to destroy tumor cells in the pleural fluid and the pleura itself, and at the same time the lymph nodes are irradiated because of some colloidal particles. phagocytized radiation. Some complications that can be encountered when performing radioactive glue injection into the pleura are fever and mild shortness of breath.
MORE: Frequently asked questions about radiation therapy for cancer

Phẫu thuật trong bằng đồng vị phóng xạ
Phẫu thuật trong bằng đồng vị phóng xạ

2.2. Application of radioisotopes in the treatment of hemangiomas with 32P pressure plates Hemangiomas or congenital vascular malformations are common diseases in young children, usually appearing immediately after birth or in the weeks to months after birth. Usually, between 6 and 10 months, the tumor begins to grow faster and may enter a spontaneous regression after 1 year.
Based on morphology, hemangiomas are divided into 3 types:
Capillary hemangiomas; Cavernous hemangioma; Mixed hemangioma. In the past, people would often use methods such as surgery, sclerotherapy, ... to treat hemangiomas. However, these methods have the disadvantage of being painful and leaving bad scars. Therefore, radiocoagulation is used in the treatment of hemangiomas. This 32P pressure plate treatment method has the advantage of being painless, safe, effective and very economical.

2.3. Applications of radioisotopes in the treatment of pain from bone metastases Most patients with cancer will have moderate to severe pain, especially those with bone metastases. This disease causes the patient persistent pain, which tends to increase if left untreated. The causes of pain in metastatic bone cancer can be:
The gill bone is stretched in situ; Tumors compress and invade surrounding tissues; Bone destruction, pathological fractures; By chemical mediators and tumor necrosis factors. Mechanism of pain relief:
Reduce cancer cells to reduce mechanical compression; Reducing chemical pain agents; Biomodulation regulation.

Ứng dụng của đồng vị phóng xạ trong điều trị giảm đau do ung thư di căn xương
Ứng dụng của đồng vị phóng xạ trong điều trị giảm đau do ung thư di căn xương

2.4. Some other applications of radioisotopes in disease treatment Radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals belong to the field of nuclear medicine, their combination becomes an effective disease treatment method. accurate and safe, which can be mentioned as:
Application in the treatment of some thyroid diseases; Applied in the treatment of primary polycythemia vera (Vaquez disease), chronic leukemia; Application in the treatment of tumors in the peritoneum, pleura; Application in the treatment of cardiovascular disease; Treatment of some joint diseases with radioisotopes;... In summary, radioisotopes are one of the very effective and popular applications in nuclear medicine today, especially with complex pathologies. requires an appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach. However, in the implementation process, it is necessary to calculate and consider to ensure high efficiency as well as safety for patients and medical staff.

Department of Oncology - Radiation Therapy of Vinmec system is focused on carefully investing in expertise and equipment, bringing satisfaction to patients.
The leading team of domestic and international doctors: the doctors are all highly qualified, experienced, conscientious and knowledgeable, having worked in major hospitals of Vietnam, Korea, Russia, are trained specialized training in the country and abroad to bring the most effective and new treatment regimens to patients. Intensive technique, effective treatment of difficult cases: is the first and only hospital in Vietnam to successfully deploy robotic surgery. CT scan accurately detects cancer even when there are no symptoms. Applying advanced gene technologies to early detect the risk of 16 most common cancers. Deploying autologous immunotherapy and thermotherapy in combination with cancer treatment to effectively prevent recurrence. Continuously working for the community: always accompanies the community in free screening programs for common cancers: Breast, cervical, colorectal, etc. Thousands of patients cannot be screened for cancer, join hands with the community to fight back the dreaded cancer. To register for examination and treatment with leading doctors of the Department of Oncology - Radiation Therapy, you can register on the website, or register for an online examination.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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