After tooth extraction, should it be replanted?

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Tooth extraction is the last medical procedure indicated by the dentist when the tooth is too severely damaged, there is no way to save or save it anymore. So, after pulling the tooth, should it be replanted? Please read along to find out the answer through the following article.

1. What cases need tooth extraction?

By adulthood, each person's baby teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth. Permanent teeth will last a lifetime and if lost, there will be no other teeth to replace them.
Some reasons such as poor oral care, oral diseases, age, accidents, .. make permanent teeth weak, loose and even fall out. In case you have one of the following causes, you need to have your permanent teeth removed:
Permanent teeth are damaged, loose and cannot eat anymore; The permanent tooth was hit hard, so it broke, leaving only a very small tooth root.

2. If the tooth is extracted, should it be replanted?

Tooth extraction is the last medical procedure indicated by the dentist when the tooth is too severely damaged, there is no way to save or save it anymore.
The extraction of teeth is very important, careful and meticulous, otherwise it is easy to leave complications later. To perform the extraction procedure, the doctor will use specialized dental tools and then separate the tooth from the gum. The ligaments around the broken tooth will easily take the root out without damaging your alveolar bone, thereby minimizing the invasion.
After tooth extraction, the patient will probably wonder if the extraction of any teeth on the jaw or the extraction of teeth 6, extraction of teeth 7 needs to be replanted or not. In fact, the extraction of any permanent teeth on the arch or the extraction of the 6th tooth requires replanting.
So what's wrong with tooth extraction without replanting? The answer is yes. If after losing a tooth without replanting, it will leave serious consequences for your health as follows:
Affect the chewing process: Teeth are responsible for biting and crushing food. If the tooth is lost, it will have limited force to tear food, increasing pressure on the stomach, which affects your digestive system in the long run. Affects the aesthetics of the face: Losing teeth, especially incisors, will make you self-conscious in daily communication, affecting relationships in life. At the same time, when a tooth on the jaw is lost, it will also cause the remaining teeth to tilt, shift, misalign the bite ... causing loss of aesthetics. Bone loss, premature aging: Normally, the upper jaw bone will develop thanks to the stimulus force during chewing. If the tooth is lost, the impact force is no longer, your jawbone will also gradually disappear. When there is too much jaw bone loss, it will make the cheeks sunken, your facial skin becomes wrinkled, sagging and premature aging. Easy to get other oral diseases: When a tooth is extracted, it will leave a gap in the jaw, food particles easily get stuck and create conditions for harmful bacteria to grow in the mouth. Over time, it causes many oral diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, .. even loss of adjacent teeth.

3. How long should a tooth be replanted?

In addition to the question "should the tooth be extracted and then replanted", learning about 1ng is also very important. How long it takes to replant a lost tooth depends on many different factors such as: the degree of healing after extraction, the method of replanting the tooth, and the state of your oral health.
Usually, after 3-6 months of tooth extraction, the wound heals completely. In some cases, such as the elderly or people with weak muscles, the healing time may take longer.
In case you choose the method of restoring lost teeth with removable dentures or porcelain bridges, about 3 months after tooth extraction, you can do a dental implant. Except for the implant option, you can always transplant immediately after tooth extraction if the jaw bone quality and health are good. In case you have had a tooth extracted before, you need to wait for the wound to heal before implanting.

4. Current methods of replanting teeth

After permanent tooth extraction, there are quite a few tooth restoration methods for you to choose from. Here are the 3 most popular methods of tooth restoration today:
Removable dentures:
Advantages: Fast restoration time, low cost. You can easily remove it for daily oral hygiene. Cons: Removable dentures have a rather short lifespan, only 3-5 years. With this method you will be limited when eating hard or chewy foods, otherwise the denture will fall. In addition, removable dentures also do not prevent jaw bone loss, gradually affecting the surrounding teeth and your entire facial structure will change. Porcelain bridge:
Advantages: Porcelain bridge method will help restore your chewing ability better than removable dentures. The teeth are also fixed and much stronger. Cons: The porcelain bridge method requires grinding 2 adjacent strong and healthy teeth to make pillars. Therefore, these two teeth will be weakened, if the doctor's skills are not qualified, it can damage both real teeth and dentures. Porcelain bridges have a relatively short lifespan, about 7-10 years. Similarly, this method also does not prevent jawbone loss, your face quickly aging. Dental Implant:
Advantages: Dental implants help restore the ability to eat and chew like real teeth up to 99%. Implant method only needs to be planted once, but the use time is for a lifetime, forever, helping you save maximum costs. In particular, this is also the only method up to the present time to help prevent jaw bone loss. Cons: Up to the present time, dental Implant has almost no disadvantages in terms of both efficiency and longevity. In short, if the tooth is extracted without replanting, then the answer is yes. If you do not replant after losing a tooth, it will have serious consequences for your health. Therefore, you should choose a reputable medical facility with skilled doctors to safely extract and plant teeth.
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