After giving birth, the vaginal opening protrudes like a pink lump of flesh about 2cm, is it uterine prolapse?

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Hello doctor! I want to ask that after giving birth, the vaginal opening looks like a pink excess of about 2cm, is the uterus prolapsed?
Anonymous customer
Hello! With the question "after giving birth, the vaginal opening looks like a pink excess of about 2cm, is it prolapsed?" For your question, the doctor would like to answer the following:
Genital prolapse is a fairly common disease in postpartum women, especially women who do heavy jobs, have many children or have not had a safe delivery before. complete, correct technique. Genital prolapse in postpartum women occurs in many degrees, depending on the position of the cervix relative to the vulva. This is not a life-threatening disease, but it greatly affects women's activities and work. Genital prolapse is a condition in which the uterus descends into the vagina or prolapses completely outside the vulva, it is often accompanied by prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall and bladder or the posterior wall of the vagina and rectum. Depending on the degree of genital prolapse, there are different treatment indications.
Causes of genital prolapse in women after giving birth include: Women who give birth many times, have thick births, are not delivered safely and with correct technique, perineal tears without stitches, working women Heavy or laboring too soon after childbirth increases abdominal pressure, presses on the soft perineum, causing genital prolapse in postpartum women and many other causes. Genital prolapse has 3 levels and the treatment direction will depend on the specific level. As you said, it may be that you are having genital prolapse after giving birth. You should go to a medical facility specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology to be examined by a doctor and have the best treatment for genital prolapse and advice.
You can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to get more advice from doctors. Best regards!
Answered by CKI Doctor Pham Thi Yen - Obstetrician - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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