After coronary stent placement, what should patients do to get good results?

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Dr. Gilles Levy is an expert with nearly 25 years in the field of interventional cardiology in France. He is currently the Head of Interventional Cardiology at Le Milenaire Hospital, Montpellier. He is working at Vinmec International General Hospital from May 19 to 31.
Dear doctor, why do you emphasize the issue of adherence after coronary stenting? Coronary stenting is indicated for patients with coronary artery stenosis and occlusion. This is a commonly performed cardiovascular intervention, helping to better reperfuse the myocardium in all conditions of strenuous activity of the patient. The procedure is usually done within 1 hour and most patients are discharged within 1-2 days, returning to normal activities. Since the past 25 years, I have performed 1,200 stents each year in France and also in Vietnam. Patients in France after stenting comply with the doctor's instructions quite well. Meanwhile, some patients in Vietnam believe that having a stent is completely cured of coronary artery disease; or think stenting is just a small procedure, so be subjective. This is a fatal mistake because this intervention only addresses the site of coronary blood flow blockage and does not treat the underlying disease, pre-existing atherosclerotic disease. Obstruction may continue to occur in other sites of the coronary system. When the patient does not take the drug as prescribed by the doctor, the disease can recur after only 1-2 years, even 6 months after stenting.
Can the doctor elaborate on this recurrence? Patients will have restenosis in the stent lumen, or stent occlusion causing myocardial infarction, or narrowing of surrounding sites, damage to other blood vessels. They were forced to perform a second cardiovascular intervention by placing stents in the stent, or coronary bypass surgery... which are more complicated and expensive treatments. Otherwise, it can be life-threatening. After 2 surgeries, the patient's health will take longer to recover, and his endurance will decrease more.
So, doctor, what are the indications that the patient needs to follow closely after stenting? After stenting, the patient must take antiplatelet drugs, combined with drugs to lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, antidiabetic drugs in people with diabetes... They must take it properly and fully. medications were prescribed for at least 1 year after the intervention. Need periodic examination 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year after stent placement. At 1 year, a stress test should be performed to check the perfusion capacity of the heart. They need to change their diet and lifestyle to be healthy; Quit smoking, lose weight if you are overweight or obese. Reducing the intake of oil, animal fat, and salt will also help reduce the risk of further coronary blockages. Regarding exercise, patients should not drive or go long distances, have sex in the first 2 weeks after the intervention. After this, they should also not participate in vigorous physical activities but should walk 30-60 minutes a day, depending on their strength. If you experience extreme chest pain or shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and contact your doctor promptly. When it comes to medication, even Viagra needs to consult a doctor first because antiplatelet drugs can be contraindicated with some drugs.
Thank you doctor.
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