After 10 months of giving birth, my period has returned and I have unprotected sex, can I get pregnant?

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Hello doctor! I'm 39 years old this year, just gave birth to a 10 month old baby boy, last month I got my period again, but I didn't use any contraception, it's been more than 2 days this month but I haven't seen my period again, I'm afraid I'm pregnant I took a test but the result is not pregnant! The body is a bit tired and feels like morning sickness, I am very worried! I still breastfeed my baby regularly, she eats solid foods 4 times a day and I feed her once every 30 minutes, about 3-5 minutes each time! Hope the doctor will reply soon! Thank you!
Bo Nguyen Thi Le Dung (Hai Phong)
Hello! Women can get their period back 6 weeks after giving birth because then their bodies have returned to their pre-pregnancy state. Hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) also returned to normal levels. So, at the time of 10 months after giving birth, combined with the previous month, you have had your period again and have had unprotected sex. You need to follow up more to rule out 2 risks:
Postpartum menstrual disorders with a period of 3-7 days late. Signs of pregnancy, need to be tested and beta HCG test (reasonable and accurate time) The best time for you to take a pregnancy test is from 10–15 days after sex) This time you should keep your mind relaxed, avoid stress, improve your diet, sleep and work properly; Limit the use of stimulants such as: alcohol, beer, tobacco, ...
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