Abdominal pain around the navel accompanied by bloating, flatulence is a sign of what disease?

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Hello doctor. I am 29 years old, I have symptoms of abdominal pain around the navel and above the navel, cramping pain, chills from the inside out and intermittent pain, with bloating, gas. I went to the doctor and the doctor told me I had acid reflux and gave me emanera, trimebutin. I took it for 1 month, but after about every 2 weeks, I relapsed and the pain went away for 2-3 days (abstained from alcohol and spicy and sour foods). In addition, defecating and urinating more than usual, also farting a lot. Please advise me what disease I have? Sincerely thank!
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. I have a stomach ache since 3 days ago, taking pain relievers but not getting better, at first I thought the pain was due to menstruation but I felt pain in the abdomen in the navel, is it a disease? with a lot of burping. Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. May I ask, I have been suffering from gas and bloating recently. After taking a few folk remedies, the bloating and gas seemed to disappear, then it turned to intermittent cramping pain, loose stools many times a day, making me uncomfortable in my body. Ask your doctor what this sign is and how to treat it? Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello. He did not say how long this symptom has been and what is the nature of the stool, whether there is weight loss. With such pain, it is possible that you have irritable bowel syndrome, but to diagnose this pathology, the doctor needs to do some other investigations such as blood tests, stools...
First of all, you should limit yourself. fried food and drink alcohol or smoke. Adopt a healthy diet and exercise. If the condition does not improve, you should see a gastroenterologist for advice.
You can also register for an examination at the nearest hospital under Vinmec Health System, to be examined by qualified and experienced doctors. Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System.
Consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Cam Tu - Gastroenterologist - General Internal Medicine Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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